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Everything posted by Helvie

  1. I'm completely lost with those constant changes to the agathion system... this is too exhausting, I will keep using fairy ;p
  2. I confirm the MP bug, experienced it as well.
  3. I've noticed a difference a few days ago, but it was because my 30 day accessories expired ;p
  4. Thank you for the remainder but I guess all of us here already know the response by heart "Thank you for reporting this incident.We understand that their behavior can be frustrating and we appreciate your patience as these investigations take time. After we investigate the matter, we will take appropriate action based on our findings."
  5. This seems like a good idea to me. So if you leave a clan A you can join clan B in the next 24h but your penalty for rejoining clan A would be 30 days. Of course, not that anyone here cares about our opinion and suggestions...
  6. And yet again, no comment from the staff.. typical.
  7. Wynn is a horrible idea by itself, not to mention the heavy armor and such. ISS would be the best choice gear-wise, but since you want a DD, you are left with a Tyrr.
  8. 300% * nothing i still nothing, drop? what drop? Orichalcum ores sold in grocery for 10k? ok... spoil? lol what spoil? I farm less per week, but even if I go with your numbers, 60kk *3 a week = 180kk, which gives 9bil per year... congrats after 4 years of farming you may be able to afford a blessed valakas necklace. And where's adena for your skills (rune stones are 120kk each on Naia now, were even 160kk at some point and you need 8 x the number of skills that you have) weapon, armor, circlets, other accessories, brooches, jewels, talismans, shits, dyes, arguments and so on? My point is still valid, you can't get anything/anywhere for 15 dollars / month.
  9. Most people don't mind paying $15 per month, in fact most of the people who according to you complain (according to me raise valid points) paid way more throughout the years than $15 per month. One of the main issues here is that this game requires thousands of $$$ and for 15$ a month you will not be able to progress.
  10. Don't forget to add that the last servitor you get is at lvl 110 while there are already locations for lvls 119+ lol ...but who would care about he dmg penalty or other such details. Clearly not devs from NC Soft.
  11. well, it would be nice if adena drop at least compensated what you spend on shots and ores while farming. It may be the case if you kill mobs with 1 shot, but this does not happen to mere mortals like myself.
  12. Devs forgot that wynns even exist... GG NC Soft, yet again no love for wynns from you. If you do not intend to fix this class at least let us change our main class!
  13. That's right, the same 1 or 2 people keep getting 5kkk adena per day from swords while others get a 3kk reward from the daily quest nerfed to 1.2kk as apparently 3kk was too rewarding.
  14. lol, you're crying because he used mass exile on mobs to annoy you? Welcome to L2, it's open world, if someone annoys you, you either fight them, try to ignore them and wait till they get bored or go someplace else. So many options to choose from!
  15. At least you have plenty of different locations to choose from... NOT
  16. This bug has been reported many times, NC Soft seem to prefer not to acknowledge it.
  17. Will you do something about the inventory limit? The post dedicated to that issue is being ignored, but we all know how carefully this forum is being monitored - I'm sure you've read that.
  18. The button for that switch in-game is at the bottom of the screen, just above the green xp bar close to 25%
  19. oh yes, this forums is moderated very closely, if only they paid so much attention to the game itself...
  20. I was not expecting much, but hoped to get at least a few Rune Stones from the event - so far I have not gotten any. NCWEST you had a good opportunity to help players at least learn their skills and make the ridiculous rune stone price go down a bit, but you cannot give us even that. At the moment one Rune Stone costs around 160kk (Naia), so learning one skill out of a few costs adena and at the same time you nerf everything, even a daily quest reward goes from 3kk to 1.2kk as apparently 3kk was too rewarding... Yet another fail.
  21. nothing nice, only shots, some enchant scrolls, rose and other xp boosts that will soon expire.
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