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Everything posted by ZooArcher

  1. meanwhile in Korea.. NCKorea posts about DEVs listening to the the player base and making changes.. NON seen here..
  2. 7 day vit runes till problem solved would be better then anything they would dream up for compensation. I still think the server problems are caised by poor db management, hence their problem running the "planned" 2 events... they change so much in the patches to give us a different game they dont even know what they are breaking and have to cry to devs for fixes.
  3. I like how Juji says the boxes are broken because they were not compatible with running 2 events. Then doesnt say dont delete the coins cause maybe they will be extended to the next event. Also, they didnt even bother to fix the system and adjust rewards because of all of it... what a total lack of respect for the game and player base.
  4. and dont for get when you plan on not following the rules, be sure to add a disclaimer. The Sponsor’s determination of the Winners is final and binding and not subject to review or appeal.
  5. Such BS... Even the GM's cant follow their own rules.. I submitted this one.. IMO better then the ones picked. https://imgur.com/a/kCwRHRr
  6. that event has been postponed till everyone forgets about the compensation they offered.
  7. even having the items you can recieve being deleted at end of event makes it really dumb to limit the exchange for dice... like its a method to control farmers, but everything gets deleted after event.. nothing besides coin tradeable.. its really dumb for the rewards given since they are all based on having vit also... only sense it makes is if you were to get enough items from event to justify buying vit from l2shop... but current mechanics with event, it is not.. Another fail...
  8. learn to use your computer 101.. open command prompt (or windows shell) type netstat /n /b find l2.bin and IP for me then in same window tracert look for high pings, * isnt always a bad ping or real timeout because some routers/servers limit/deny icmp requests. Then you will know if its you, ncsoft, or somewhere inbetween.
  9. you didnt notice the "new" event stratagey.. All event related items deleted when event ends..
  10. Careful what you ask from NCWEST... Runestone event would end up being 18k Ncoin for Rune Boxes, small chance to get RuneStones.. mostly more garbage for opening boxes.
  11. Think your missing the point of the event, even with all the coins you could get and use... every item will be removed when event ends right? I should of made a video of opening over a 100 loot boxes, all filled with items that will be deleted. Use them or loose them, the only thing you can keep is the 18k ncoin event..
  12. Talk to NPC Tauti across the street from Gludio Gk
  13. exactly.. gambling requires a payout, and ncoin has no value.. It just shows how laws are behind the times, as they slowly catch up to situations such as NCSOFT.. and they will. NCSOFT just gonna milk it while they can. As seen with attendance event, just lame items that dont even promote the game.. Should be 7day dragon items, different cloaks, god jewles... would have promoted pvp against top players for a short term, disrupted the norm and even tho those items are out of reach for most players, would of given them hope to someday be competitive.. Sadly no, NCSOFT as everyone knows is not so smart, just greedy..
  14. Nothing meaningful will change.. why? NCWest business model appears to be based on Churn & Burn.
  15. maybe you should check npc Tauti across from gk in gludio and do those quests
  16. Just had one, thought Id share. 1st Remove all Self Iss Buffs... Give Iss/ Healers ability to use their dual class skills on main, minus passives for dual class. Sounds like a winner to me.
  17. Mixa describe Hard as it applies to this game.. Skill? maybe the use of combos? no wait, surely you mean its hard like opening the correct window, putting in the correct items? Wait I know.. Its hard because chances are so low based on OP luck toons some people have.. so if they are able to enchant with ease then why not lower the chance and screw everyone else.. thats it.. has to be..
  18. Reports are Naia emergency maintenance fix the lag issue.. So the question is.. Will Chronos be forced to wait till Next Maintenance or not?
  19. its totally understandable without negative replies.. Sounds like NCWEST has driven away another top player... if this post is real and not troll.. The struggle is real, there is no ingame improvements to keep anyone interested aside from gambling.. NCSOFT, and other games dumbing down to slot machine mentality will get regulated sooner or later, when they could of done that crap on the side and not mainstreamed it.. The narrative, quest lines, etc are dismal.. dont even have to read them as it will simple port you where you need to be.. The game design has gotten so pathetic by the DEV team one can only wonder if they are even involved. p.s. I accept payment of gear and supplies... same name ingame Chronos. If not me, please pay to your clan or friends... ingame items are over priced and getting harder to come by.
  20. Sad to see a response like this, sadder to think its a copy and paste and has been used by support over 100 times.
  21. @Juji Why you always hide behind saying there cant be any changes that dont correspond with PlayNC and then make all our events crap compared to theirs? Is sad your always playing that card, then ninja deleting and changing stuff here that seems to have nothing to do with the progression of PlayNC server.. Hiding behind misinformation, false information and misdirection about game mechanics that cannot be verified, or found online due to the slighest changes here.. Keep saying KoreanRandom, when 1:1 this is not PlayNc server.. the descisions the NCWEST staff makes are most often deploreable. As seen in Cloak event.. Reponse from support in other thread that spending real life money enchating is designed to be difficult.. what the hell is that? Grind more on credit card to get item. That is what they said. Here is an idea for a real game improvement... since the instant gratification of buying something that progresses the game is currently all gambling... Sell the items, ie Cloaks, with some sort of quest involved.. that is designed to take a year or so to complete.. killing mobs, performing acts, etc. Probably to involved, surely cant have the narrative team spend anytime on this game since it makes no money for NCSOFT... better to keep removing story lines and adventure ingame for slot machine style game mechanics and macro farming desinged to milk l2store sales. And to the Haters.. cause you gonna hate. If/When Games like this dumb down enough, NAY..Continue to dumb down so that they do finally catch the attention of the US State & Federal Gambling Commission, it will be because of the top 1% ingame.
  22. @Juji You said the weapon appearence was being removed because it effected a future update... update is soon, and no mention in it about new apperances, wpn augments, or anything else that would effect them... Explain if not this patch, why are you removing game features a year in advance? if not longer... Thanks
  23. Well since they have made dorfs useless? and nothing in the patch notes about crafting... it will be minimum the following update for any chanhe there... so wtf? Put armors and wpns in l2store..
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