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Unscheduled Server Maintenance: Friday, June 14, 2019


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there must be 400 people currently in Elven Village on Aden atm waiting for the cake.  It would be thoughtful to allow the cake to spawn this final time.  What would be the harm in allowing it to spawn vs. the harm of all of the players that have massed here and are waiting.


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2 minutes ago, Jhade said:

Why u want to finish the game? go to a x1000 if u want to finish fast! 

How many times have we done levels 1-70 by now.. Come on, the Cake Event allowed to bring some totally new content for people that have never gotten that far in-game.

Lineage 2 is 15+ years old.. nobody is trying to grind anymore, get real.

Would be nice to actually do some end-game content for once without having to start over and over and over... and over.. and over.. and over.

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5 minutes ago, SirJohnNathan said:

@Juji So a lot of people had as part of the event wep +16 and +15 etc. , now how can I going to get those , because that was part of the vent  ?  or they where the lucky one and the rest will have dwell on it ?

Right and some people had to work and missed the first couple event's it only last for a bit, just like and large raid or siege, would have to remove raiding and sieges if that was the case.



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I'd definitely be curious to know what's in the 15th anniversary box. Are the grand prizes tucked in there at a limited rate? Or are they unobtainable now?

If they're unobtainable, ALL of the awarded prizes should be removed from the very start of the event.

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I would like to understand what comes down from the gift box, I sincerely hope that the experience that gave fioti to the events is dragged away because if I have to drop that useless item of the exp, I willingly quitto the server. I'm "disgusted" by server and event management, and I hate the fact that in this server they allow Russians to shopp real money for adena, it's a shame, nobody takes away my head that this is an unofficial server paid by someone to make money on. because if it were really managed by the NCSOF it is a shame that they came down to these levels, a server full of bots, impossible to expare and a management to the shit! sorry for the language, ban me, but it's an outlet!   
Sorry for my eng i  dont  talk good  english i just  try! 


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1 hour ago, Juji said:


The following changes will be made to the 15th Anniversary event with this maintenance:

  • The Cake Raid event in Elven Village will be removed 

Bye Bye easy xp/sp for buffers...

Resultado de imagen de nooooooo gif

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Just summon fioti, after cake and make us happy! im lost a long time, when w8ing respown of cakes and fioti... and i have a real life, and time to work. We need exp, not rune 150%, its a unfair! This rune is good only for bot players! @Juji

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today we depend on a single clan on the server revolve to make the raid boss, 
if you play at different time is bleeped, for killing mobs, xp is low or full of bots,
 it's a lot of XP difference from a boss to a conventional farm
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@Juji, just when you thought NC couldnt go any lower, you smashed the record.  We didnt need 60 more +15/+16 weapons in the hands of botters and proffessional farmers who would just sell them(or the adena to buy them) for real cash in illegal sales.  But we did need this exp which was breathing life into the server.  People were coming back to the game with the promise of catching back up.  Other's we using the free exp to re-roll those much needed support classes.  Still others were using the exp to re-roll and play again because they had gotten so bored of the classes they chose.  But now, instead of 100's of people coming back or new people starting, we will surely lose hundreds due to frustration and lost hope.  People were buying NCoin on these new toons in order the further benefit from this event.  Will you refund all NCoin purchases since the event began?  


Please keep the exp as part of the worthless gift boxes, it WAS the EXP that was the gift.   

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1 hour ago, Juji said:

Hello All,

There will be an unscheduled maintenance starting at 12:00 p.m. PDT / 21:00 GMT+2. The downtime will approximately be 30 minutes.

The following changes will be made to the 15th Anniversary event with this maintenance:

  • The Cake Raid event in Elven Village will be removed along with the Fifteen NPC after issues were found with the event contributing to high server latency and NPC server crashes
  • The 15th Anniversary Gift Box (x2) will be added to the L2 Store for FREE until 7/10 and can be claimed once per day per account
  • We have added a 150% XP/SP server boost setting for the rest of the event period

150% XP/SP boost is aren't equal compensation, especially for 71+ characters

Just add the ability to obtain the amount of experience you specified earlier as a reward from the NPC or when opening "The 15th Anniversary Gift Box" from L2Store? This will be same, as we hit a Cake, just without chance to win top reward.

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So I am in really bad mood now. You added event where Solo players (I am solo OL 57lvl) could get closer to high lvl clans and actually join. Now u fk up and instead of it give minor Exp boost (mostly for RB usage) and 2 rice cakes as sorry?? If I do stuff like that at my job i would get INSTANTLY FIRED


Dissatisfied by 1000miles ...

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2 minutes ago, Norda said:

150% XP/SP boost is aren't equal compensation, especially for 71+ characters

Just add the ability to obtain the amount of experience you specified earlier as a reward from the NPC or when opening "The 15th Anniversary Gift Box" from L2Store? This will be same, as we hit a Cake, just without chance to win top reward.


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I think NC Soft lost the main effect of this event. That thing with top OP weapons was a bad idea but the XP thing was really good. Every lazy people or company will choose the easiest way to solve a problem but the right solution was to leave Fifteen  and Fioti npcs and restart Fioti's rewards at 11.00 and 20.00. Basically to work as Angel Cat but with 2 resets / day but to give the xp reward once/account after every reset. This thing is a flexible solution and would fit to everyone to get the xp rewards.

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Hello all, 

Per @Enthused, I was advised to voice my concerns here. I missed out on well over 2 million xp on all my characters from this maintenance and would like compensation please. I'm on Aden server and the Mysterious Cake spawn daily and worked. Sad to hear other servers didn't work.

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NCFail has done it again..... what made you think this would be any better then the Mini Raid Boss farming when the server went live, or Halloween event that bogged the servers down as well. If your going to keep doing crap like this you wont have a player base to even be angry with you anymore LOL

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So easy to solved this issue, removed the top gifts, leave the NPC and the cake event  in EVERY town at the same time so it will balance the players influx and not crash the server, give the same amount of exp from Fioti and the rice/white assassin box.


Problem solved.

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