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Lineage II: Fafurion Supplemental Update Patch Notes


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7 hours ago, Sharlanna said:

Only way to shut them up is to block them individually. They've killed this game. >:(

Got any shopping toon? fishing toon? setup macro to PM each blue chat you see ( with delay as not to get chat ban )
after a while, nobody will be using blue chat  , let them feel the pain of need to block toons :P

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1 hour ago, Draecke said:

@Juji / @Hime can you please advise which of the new XP field areas is supposed to be for party play ? as from what I can see only Fafurion temple some what fits that description but that's for level range past 115 so where are parties supposed to XP after lvl 110 ?

please consider having a server base XP boost event to allow parties and solo players to push on, particularly now that for party play we're forced to still XP on green/blue mobs in Sea of Spores..


Yes, please advise where to exp after 110, I know I can go solo anywhere I want, but I enjoy being part of a party, and exp'ing my support too.

The Fafurion temple mob update... Nobody could really kill efficently there before the patch, and deffinetly not after the patch.

Also, seems the server rank buffs are bugged. Nobody has them.

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21 hours ago, Mystikal said:

So the whole point of the ranking system is to reward 24/7 botters? Got it.

And what's this crap about automatically bowing to people at the top of the list?!?? >:(  I'm American. I don't automatically bow to anyone. And this isn't the military where you salute superiors. They need to do away with that.  

Who care you American or African? You MUST TO bow - for stronger :) In game russian . lithuanian, greece stronger? So you bow for this people :) Why?... Maybe you not understand this game and are simple weak...

This game creating Korea - in this country its normal respeck stronger..

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6 hours ago, Draecke said:

@Juji / @Hime can you please advise which of the new XP field areas is supposed to be for party play ? as from what I can see only Fafurion temple some what fits that description but that's for level range past 115 so where are parties supposed to XP after lvl 110 ?

please consider having a server base XP boost event to allow parties and solo players to push on, particularly now that for party play we're forced to still XP on green/blue mobs in Sea of Spores..


@Juji / @Hime - can block this person in forum... for him everything bad... first not have items (cry for events), make mistake with main/dual (cry for class change), now not have lvl - (cry for xp bost)...

Everything here ok. Its long term game - nobody not want (who have brain) - hit in 1 week 115-120 (and after server most to put next update - deflation  items and etc.) Im pretty sure - he after will cry - why server put new items (for which he not have adena), why deflation jewels (for which people pay 1000-1500$) and etc.


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4 hours ago, Ambicija said:

@Juji / @Hime - can block this person in forum... for him everything bad... first not have items (cry for events), make mistake with main/dual (cry for class change), now not have lvl - (cry for xp bost)...

Everything here ok. Its long term game - nobody not want (who have brain) - hit in 1 week 115-120 (and after server most to put next update - deflation  items and etc.) Im pretty sure - he after will cry - why server put new items (for which he not have adena), why deflation jewels (for which people pay 1000-1500$) and etc.


The best is the enemy of the good. He does all the right things.

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8 hours ago, Ambicija said:

@Juji / @Hime - can block this person in forum... for him everything bad... first not have items (cry for events), make mistake with main/dual (cry for class change), now not have lvl - (cry for xp bost)...

Everything here ok. Its long term game - nobody not want (who have brain) - hit in 1 week 115-120 (and after server most to put next update - deflation  items and etc.) Im pretty sure - he after will cry - why server put new items (for which he not have adena), why deflation jewels (for which people pay 1000-1500$) and etc.


at first it seems that he only cries, but deep down he's very right in what he says, and he sees the game from an intelligent perspective, maybe you understand his points that he exposes differently.
For me, I don't understand why he keeps playing L2, or which is what ties him to keep playing.

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8 hours ago, Ambicija said:

Who care you American or African? You MUST TO bow - for stronger :) In game russian . lithuanian, greece stronger? So you bow for this people :) Why?... Maybe you not understand this game and are simple weak...

This game creating Korea - in this country its normal respeck stronger..

Funny. More time to play/bot does not equate to stronger in my eyes, but whatever.

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18 hours ago, AllCom said:


They had one job. Delete or fix. Delete always win

Sadly, that's the solution that usually requires the least amount of brain activity and resources. True in game and real life. But still, it would have been nice if they had replaced all of the GM buff scrolls with Emperor Attack scrolls.

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3 days already. Keep disconnecting me, always around bosses and raids. Keep freeze, for me and my husband both. All the time we have FPS like we are playing game from the 90's. It is not a problem from internet, because we don't have problem with other games, or with internet speed. We lose twice time to do everything. 

Is this an issue with the region for this game, or the server can't handle the few players?

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39 minutes ago, Sill said:

3 days already. Keep disconnecting me, always around bosses and raids. Keep freeze, for me and my husband both. All the time we have FPS like we are playing game from the 90's. It is not a problem from internet, because we don't have problem with other games, or with internet speed. We lose twice time to do everything. 

Is this an issue with the region for this game, or the server can't handle the few players?

no worries, almost every1 experience this Attack Speed lag, but no1 cry on forum yet :D

Even i have, i have maxed attack speed, and on display i see like i have less that 1k, but on damage chat i see the right damage speed, 4 damage and 1 swing on display :D but on run movement no lag, so maybe shot bug?

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On 8. 8. 2019 at 10:58 AM, Argus said:

I totally agree, why is this trend to push all players to Solo Macro in order to be efficient.

SoS nerfed, Elven nerfed, monsters blue/green, need to use tons of boosts to match the amount of solo FULL AFK macro xp with 0 boosts.

Please bring back the party play, game is getting truly boring. Give us a good rotation of free events.

Tamahochi game, put BSSR/SSR and continue Macro, very expensive Tamagochi. 

As a tank what i can do todays? Catch a fish? All is forced to solo play. System is based on 1 good dd (feoh, tyrr) with ISS and heal as support. All play macro with own toons. This game is now like very expensive singleplayer. Too many dollars/euros for miserable fun. As I see situation, i have two choices- to change to dd or quit. But if i think about change to dd i realise that this game give me only boring same instancies every day and afk macro exp. After 7 years is a sad situation. Without good profit, good drops is no self-upgrade, without upgrade of gear all new content is not achievable. NCwest can not understand that our servers are not Korea. And is sad that people responsible for our servers not listen players and do nothing for consolidation of players base. 

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Hi, after update game become unplayable you cannot farm because , you cannot buy shots whit this low drop rate everywhere this is awesome 107 zone 24h farm give 3 mats 4 lv and 5k adena and I spend shots for 100 millions instance is same no drop you go just to see boss there what we need to do..... cannot buy shots whit this drop 109 zone drop for hole day 20 mil 24h farm v nice how we suppose to play cant even buy shots whit this low rate drop atelia drop is -80% on update note says adena adjusted not only adena spoil drop adjusted by 80% do you thing some1 will play still there are still 100 players witch playing you will lose them too 

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1 hour ago, player777 said:

... whit this low rate drop atelia drop is -80% on update note says adena adjusted not only adena spoil drop adjusted by 80% do you thing some1 will play still there are still 100 players witch playing you will lose them too 

player base will be adjusted too.. :ph34r:

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/12/2019 at 5:49 PM, player777 said:

Hi, after update game become unplayable you cannot farm because , you cannot buy shots whit this low drop rate everywhere this is awesome 107 zone 24h farm give 3 mats 4 lv and 5k adena and I spend shots for 100 millions instance is same no drop you go just to see boss there what we need to do..... cannot buy shots whit this drop 109 zone drop for hole day 20 mil 24h farm v nice how we suppose to play cant even buy shots whit this low rate drop atelia drop is -80% on update note says adena adjusted not only adena spoil drop adjusted by 80% do you thing some1 will play still there are still 100 players witch playing you will lose them too 

There are many ways to get adena in this game, but as 99% of the players, you should focus on the L2Store for your main income source.

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