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When fixing the Adena drop rate - make sure it's done properly.

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I swear if NCSoft has the audacity to "fix" the adena droprate by increasing by 10%.

For the people saying "this is the classic hardcore experience deal with it", I regret to inform you that you are completely incorrect: http://www.lineage2media.com/Downloads/Lineage Ii - Prima Game Guide 2004.pdf

This is a Game Guide for actual C1 L2 - you know, the actual classic hardcore game the defenders of the current system keep raving about.

Look through and see that the Adena we're getting is, in some cases, not just 50%, but as low as 25% of what it should be.

@Juji This needs to be fixed to the proper levels, please oh please don't just increase it by a small amount and call it addressed. You literally need to double the current Adena droprate to have it back to the way things were in actual classic L2.

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7 minutes ago, Crysillion said:

I swear if NCSoft has the audacity to "fix" the adena droprate by increasing by 10%.

For the people saying "this is the classic hardcore experience deal with it", I regret to inform you that you are completely incorrect: http://www.lineage2media.com/Downloads/Lineage Ii - Prima Game Guide 2004.pdf

This is a Game Guide for actual C1 L2 - you know, the actual classic hardcore game the defenders of the current system keep raving about.

Look through and see that the Adena we're getting is, in some cases, not just 50%, but as low as 25% of what it should be.

@Juji This needs to be fixed to the proper levels, please oh please don't just increase it by a small amount and call it addressed. You literally need to double the current Adena droprate to have it back to the way things were in actual classic L2.

Bro, this classic is not the same thing that C1 was. But yes, this adena amount is sucking! With this spiritshot quest bug then, a big messy for mages... lvl 22+ mobs cant even pay for the spiritshot bought from npc.  Need some readjustment 

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That's an interesting PDF. According to it the mob that I'm farming should drop 119-210 adena and not 25-60. Tried on several different mobs, like bats, imps, dog people, orcs and yeah - I get about 4 times less adena that I should.

What do you mean it's not the same thing @Almost? All the systems 'are' based on c1, but we can now see that they are not.

Thank you for sharing this, Ill stick around for a few days and wait for NCsoft to have a statement on this :)

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10 minutes ago, Isyth said:

That's an interesting PDF. According to it the mob that I'm farming should drop 119-210 adena and not 25-60. Tried on several different mobs, like bats, imps, dog people, orcs and yeah - I get about 4 times less adena that I should.

What do you mean it's not the same thing @Almost? All the systems 'are' based on c1, but we can now see that they are not.

Thank you for sharing this, Ill stick around for a few days and wait for NCsoft to have a statement on this :)

Well, since you have skills, mechanics and stuff that did not exist at that time, that's not a  C1 based...  C1 based was a server that everything is identical to that time, except the graphics and some stuff like Macro, automatic soulshots and things that dont influence in real gameplay. 
Here we have a lot of skills, armors, mobs, quests that doesnt exist on real C1...  then, this is a "new" version of the game, called Classic. So we cant compare it to the old and good C1/c2 :(

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@Hime@JujiIt's obvious the development team started with the Skelth build, right down to pestering us every hour to consider "making," not "taking" a break.  Why not just restore the drop, spoil, adena and exp rates?  Without anything else to go by, we've had to rely on their wiki (since NCwest hasn't done it's own Classic "wiki" or guide).  If you just use their rates, it will make that wiki useable, for these matters at least.  If you are unwilling to do that, please develop a wiki/guide for NCWest classic servers so we can see what we are getting.  Thanks.


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Or maybe they should re-think the whole concept.  Go back to subscription based; no L2Store; no VIP; drop on death; original drop, adena, spoil and exp rates; no free teleports, etc..  Have only true quality of life improvements, like automated soulshots and the quest indicators.  The hard-core people would be delighted and it wouldn't degenerate into P2W as this one already has, three days in.

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20 minutes ago, Lawman said:

Or maybe they should re-think the whole concept.  Go back to subscription based; no L2Store; no VIP; drop on death; original drop, adena, spoil and exp rates; no free teleports, etc..  Have only true quality of life improvements, like automated soulshots and the quest indicators.  The hard-core people would be delighted and it wouldn't degenerate into P2W as this one already has, three days in.

Well infact apart from the free port, real classic would be better than what it is now. So it gets my vote.

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I'll stick around for a couple days here on the forums and see if any official statement will be made regarding this issue, and whether any drastic changes will be made, not some 10-25% adena drop increase.

But for now i got no will to play whatsoever as it just seems a gigantic waste of time. Heavily feels like they expect you to frequently use the cash shop for at least SS, which at the moment is the least of the problems, because if you can't afford a simple thing such as NG-SS, good bloody luck to afford any kind of gear and enchants. Will be rocking that mid-NG gear for half a bleep year at these rates. 

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This nerf to adena and drops, to me, seems like NCSoft are forcing people into spending money to boost drop rates....

Absolutely DISGUSTING @Juji and the team have allowed this to happen... NCSoft showing their TRUE, greedy colours????

If nothing changes ill go back to BDO.

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41 minutes ago, Almost said:

Well, since you have skills, mechanics and stuff that did not exist at that time, that's not a  C1 based...  C1 based was a server that everything is identical to that time, except the graphics and some stuff like Macro, automatic soulshots and things that dont influence in real gameplay. 
Here we have a lot of skills, armors, mobs, quests that doesnt exist on real C1...  then, this is a "new" version of the game, called Classic. So we cant compare it to the old and good C1/c2 :(

I get what you're saying, but that doesn't mean this needs to be as much of a slagfest as it is right now. And don't get it twisted - nobody is asking for 5x rates or something you'd normally see in a Private Server, we're asking for something that's actually playable. Returning to the rates it should be, regardless of the customizations on the server, will be enough.

As it stands, there's no reason to continue right at this moment. If I wait for the changes, I'll get proper adena as I level and I'll be better off in the long run. If the changes never come, then I never wasted time waiting for something that will not be. This is the mindset of a lot of people.

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37 minutes ago, Crysillion said:

No matter what, the question needs to be asked:

Which situation would lose more players? Keeping things as is, or returning it to the way it should be?

I believe the answer is fairly obvious.

Unfortunately it is all about the money nowadays, not about gaming and having fun anymore. Sad to see that gaming world turned into greedy capitalists. I wanted that nostalgic feeling of L2, but got some even more hardcore grindfest when I have way less time to spare than it was 10-14 years ago

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It is sad to be lvl 20 and not to buy decent equipment (No Grade), I did not buy anything. I see myself ... wearing "No Grade" armor and weapon with lvl 40 because I do not want to spend in gear Grade D.

I remember when I played at first time Lineage II (Pay to play) I could collect enough adenas to buy gear for every character.

This is the only thing what I would leave the game. It's absolutely anormal.

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you guys need to understand that just because it's called "Classic" doesn't mean it's C1.
it's entirely new chronicle which came out like 4 years ago. some of the skills are completely new not to mention quests/interface so comparing it to C1 is BS. 
Adena drop is very low compared to russian/korean  Classic 1.5 version and that's that.

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1 hour ago, NeonGrave said:

you guys need to understand that just because it's called "Classic" doesn't mean it's C1.
it's entirely new chronicle which came out like 4 years ago. some of the skills are completely new not to mention quests/interface so comparing it to C1 is BS. 
Adena drop is very low compared to russian/korean  Classic 1.5 version and that's that.

This will kill the server. There's no contest. It's merely "OK" now because the NG crap actually continues to carry people. When people hit 41 and the Gatekeeper starts charging for teleports, people are going to start leaving, and many more will simply leave well before they get that far.

This is a tired argument. It's -trying- to be some form of oldschool L2. It has many QoL changes and some customizations - yes, but that doesn't mean the server needs to play like ass.

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I don't know if the drop rate for adena is correct or not, but it doesn't sound like most of you ever played retail back then.  Teleports cost so much money you would run from Gludin to gludio all the time. This was because if you were trying to save money for gear you had to. Also as for soul shots, I would use one Soulsout per mob because you couldnt afford to spam them.  And yes killing thousands of mobs per level even in your 30's was a everyday thing.

Keeping a no grade weapon until 40 also wasnt uncommon.  Stop crying and play.  

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2 hours ago, nazgulowen said:

It is sad to be lvl 20 and not to buy decent equipment (No Grade), I did not buy anything. I see myself ... wearing "No Grade" armor and weapon with lvl 40 because I do not want to spend in gear Grade D.

I remember when I played at first time Lineage II (Pay to play) I could collect enough adenas to buy gear for every character.

This is the only thing what I would leave the game. It's absolutely anormal.

Your post is incorrect.  You could not have had enough adena to buy gear for every character if you played when it firdt came out.  You must have been playing a private server.  

I would like to see the date of births on all you complaining how it is not similar to the original. Most of you were prob in jr high and playing Wow.  

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6 hours ago, Crysillion said:

I swear if NCSoft has the audacity to "fix" the adena droprate by increasing by 10%.

For the people saying "this is the classic hardcore experience deal with it", I regret to inform you that you are completely incorrect: http://www.lineage2media.com/Downloads/Lineage Ii - Prima Game Guide 2004.pdf

This is a Game Guide for actual C1 L2 - you know, the actual classic hardcore game the defenders of the current system keep raving about.

Look through and see that the Adena we're getting is, in some cases, not just 50%, but as low as 25% of what it should be.

@Juji This needs to be fixed to the proper levels, please oh please don't just increase it by a small amount and call it addressed. You literally need to double the current Adena droprate to have it back to the way things were in actual classic L2.

Fat ++++++++

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Actually, I think the adena drop would have to be increased by 3x or 4x to bring it inline with Innova's Skelth server, if I'm doing the math right..

I know it sounds like a massive amount but it is just that low right now.

It would probably have to go up by 5x to get close to the old C1-C5  adena drop levels from what I've seen so far. 

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All you carebears complaining. Who ever did play this game when it came out 2004? 

Yes its not the same game but the experience is good. The adena drop rate is ok. From level 21 to 22 as example you stil do an average of 10k in 5-6 hours coming from adena drops and selling of material drops. Since the levels will progress much slower everyone will has enough to buy some gear at some level.

The main issue was this stupid 0-20 fastpath. Now we have all you babies crying who dont even remember how l2 was back in the days.

And since you are so many crybabies they will listen to you and give you carebear classic.



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8 hours ago, Crysillion said:

I swear if NCSoft has the audacity to "fix" the adena droprate by increasing by 10%.

For the people saying "this is the classic hardcore experience deal with it", I regret to inform you that you are completely incorrect: http://www.lineage2media.com/Downloads/Lineage Ii - Prima Game Guide 2004.pdf

This is a Game Guide for actual C1 L2 - you know, the actual classic hardcore game the defenders of the current system keep raving about.

Look through and see that the Adena we're getting is, in some cases, not just 50%, but as low as 25% of what it should be.

@Juji This needs to be fixed to the proper levels, please oh please don't just increase it by a small amount and call it addressed. You literally need to double the current Adena droprate to have it back to the way things were in actual classic L2.

Agree, adena is like 0,25 now

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1 hour ago, LadyShu said:

All you carebears complaining. Who ever did play this game when it came out 2004? 

Yes its not the same game but the experience is good. The adena drop rate is ok. From level 21 to 22 as example you stil do an average of 10k in 5-6 hours coming from adena drops and selling of material drops. Since the levels will progress much slower everyone will has enough to buy some gear at some level.

The main issue was this stupid 0-20 fastpath. Now we have all you babies crying who dont even remember how l2 was back in the days.

And since you are so many crybabies they will listen to you and give you carebear classic.



Let's say for sake of argument that you're completely right and we're all overreacting. What do you think will kill the server? Addressing this complained about problem, or leaving it as is?

A lot of us are here for the hardcore experience - this isn't it. This is FACTUALLY incorrect. No matter how much evidence is presented, it's exhausting to only be told "u r crybaby carebear" when it's clear you're not only doing any research on this yourself, you're actively ignoring any and all information posted as evidence that it's incorrect to fit your "this is hardcore deal with it" absurdity.

I'd guarantee that if it stays the way that it is, you'll still be enjoying L2 Classic in all its hardcore glory - also known as just another dead Lineage II server.

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Agree. Adena rate its wrong, i dont care about the exp rate in fact seems good to me... but adena and drop rate its another history... please NCsoft listen to us i played lineage 2 14 years ago and i didnt remenber it was that hard to farm adena or drop items... this should be fixed soon. Thank you

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I dont need todo any research, i played from L2 Beta on plus 4 years and have fond memories of that time. The main issue here is and that many people stil say is exactly that the initial error is the fast level path from 0-20 and then the bullshit with the SS. 

"not enough adena" - I dont know i made around 40k in 14 hours playtime, most of that ALONE as a damnit elven mystic / oracle by just farming and selling the materials. I stil run around with the beginners weapon who cares. You can buy a full d-grade robe set for already 220k. By this time in one week everyone is in d gear if the play the stupid game right!

Also for drops, i cant complain. i played a few hours in parties now in AB and ive seen plenty of drops. I really dont get what you are complaining about. All i hear is "easy path" this stupid game as it is IS ALREADY FCKING EASY compared to what we had before. I dont care if you link some game paper, numbers dont fill in the experience people had back in the days. 

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