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Reporting Scammers, Bots, & Adena Sellers


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42 minutes ago, Himmelin said:

after 5 minutes elapsed and he didnt write catpcha put their characters in red with -10000 karma


with this, if they even die, dont respawn in city, and also, people can kill them


captcha must be for 20 minutes, but if at 5 minutes didnt complete it, karma to -10000 and after that3, if completes karma will go back to 0



if someone report someone resting or afk, checking logs, is a fake report, then ban too, dont abuse of the report system

This can't be done due to a simple fact that boxing is allowed here and if ppl are running with a box, they usually just check it every 20 mins for rebuff. So no, you can't punish them for doing nothing against the rules only because you are frustrtated. But ofc I agree, something has to be done about all those bots, as the same characters are still running the same locations even after several reports and nothing is being done about that.

As for the scammers, ppl just simply have to accept the fact that this has been a part of L2 practically forever, and since this is official and not some random illegal server, they just won't ban ppl for doing it (and what is more, they shouldn't). Pay attention to what you buy, if you get scammed it's your fault and noone else's.

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The adena selling problem would be insta-fixed if you sold an adena token in the L2 Store that you could go sell to a shop and get adenas. Adena sales have been up for as long as the game has existed, nothing you have done in 15 years has solved the issue and you are just creating the secondary market by not addressing it directly. There is clearly a demand for adena as there would be no sellers if there were no buyers. Sell adena and the use the ban hammer in whomever wants to undersell you.


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I know this is a hot topic already but i want to do my part to raise awareness (not that it is needed) and to help voice the issue that these adena spammers are causing players to quit Lineage2. I have personal friends that are quitting the game NOT because of the game mechanics, but purely because they are so annoyed of the chats being spammed with adena sellers. All chats being spammed. They are creating free accounts and posting them at every gatekeeper just sitting there spamming general chat, whispering it even when you're out in hunting grounds and now ive even been getting mail with the spam. Sadly i too may be saying farewell because this is utterly annoying when trying to buy and sell. And right clicking to ignore is not the solution because there are so many of them and the chat scrolls so fast to click them, it now takes more time for me to sit there and scroll through the chat to find and right click their name to block them. It blows my mind that other games dont have this issue and with Lineage 2 this has been an issue since i left in 2008.... Unfortunately i know this wont be fixed in the next couple weeks so as i try to hold strong and play a game ive loved since my childhood i will most likely be joining my friends in other games and gladly spend my money in their micro-transactions then have to deal with the overwhelming botters and adena spammers. Normally i would go quietly like my friends, but i honestly want to see change and to keep playing. This is a cry for help and for change there  are solutions obviously there are solutions and they need to be acted on sooner then later as Im literally watching players leave daily :/

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2 hours ago, Revan said:

This can't be done due to a simple fact that boxing is allowed here and if ppl are running with a box, they usually just check it every 20 mins for rebuff. So no, you can't punish them for doing nothing against the rules only because you are frustrtated. But ofc I agree, something has to be done about all those bots, as the same characters are still running the same locations even after several reports and nothing is being done about that.

As for the scammers, ppl just simply have to accept the fact that this has been a part of L2 practically forever, and since this is official and not some random illegal server, they just won't ban ppl for doing it (and what is more, they shouldn't). Pay attention to what you buy, if you get scammed it's your fault and noone else's.

this bot party was farming for two days to today, im sure my debuff could work because they self rebuff, and self heal ( tryied to kill the main bot, but all the party starts to heal him ) 

then didnt kill him because was closely to inmortal

probabbly this guy made 4kkk or maybe more, just botting

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Good afternoon! I have reported abusive use of BOTs on all four servers. Personnel this matter is very serious, this is becoming a great cancer, NCSOFT and the right players are losing a lot with this practice. As I walk through the game scenario, I believe that every 1 minute, I end up finding a "BOT" char, alone or more than one. Today I found three BOTs running a QUEST of adena (Collector's Dream), something unbelievable, the chars can request the quest in the NPC, take the GK, go to the place, kill the specific mobs and then return to the NPC in the city, making it infinite times.


I want to question everyone how it is for players who do not use this type of program (BOT), I really think it's like DAVI x GOLIAS.

I had given up playing on the ADEN server for the huge amount of BOTs, I have been playing since yesterday on the GLUDIO server, but to my disappointment, this also has a huge amount of BOTs. In addition to the various difficulties in the game itself, we now have the challenge of competing for Mobs with these CHARS BOTs. These players are pushing away from the correct Players of the game, and they are sinking Lineage 2. Instead of these players buying NCSOFT products to help pay the developers of this friendly game, they spend money on illegal products inside the game for their own benefit.

Unfortunately today was a decisive day for me to move away from the game, in which I am part of the community of this 2003. I hope that the developers of the game will extend the measures against this type of practice. The "Report Button Bot" button is very ineffective, both in the amount of report (six) released and in the time between each report. There are so many BOTs that this must be compatible with the current need of players who do not use BOTs. Playing with the situation, if not taken the right measures, I believe that in the future, all those who do not use BOTs will be banned from the server. I am a relief that another player that stops playing Lineage 2. For those who stay, good luck.



* By Google translator



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Please block ability to send messages to general and trade chat channels for characters below lvl 20.  Lvl 10 takes 30 minutes to get. It's impossible to read trade chat with this ammount of spam. Blocking is pathetic since they create new spammers everyday.

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8 hours ago, Falatko said:

How aden spammer affect the game? Since they only spam in town and nothing else, you can block them easily, nobody is forcing you to buy anything from them...

The problem is not the chat spam per se. Though it is annoying, it's just a constant reminder of how unfair it is for the law-abiding players, to be in a bot populated server. It's not just the bots spamming your chat, it is the fact that if there is a bot spamming your chat selling you adena, that means that there is a bot getting that adena somewhere else in the game.

Above all that, there's the fact that reporting ingame isn't easy. I can't report a full party of bots because i can report once every 30 minutes. Common sense tells me that if i report one of a party would be enough, but then you see full parties botting for a week, and makes you wonder even if you could report all those chars it would be enough.

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11 minutes ago, GodEmperorRump said:

Sooo hiring one guy loses them more money than all the people leaving the server because of rampant botting and adena spam?


- bot’s are paying “customers” as well

- bots create the numbers on the servers, giving the illusion of it being well populated

- bots cause queues thus boosting vip sales to log in faster(if you actually read the rmt spam, you prolly noticed that the price went down below 3$/100k, to sustain revenue rmt companies have to sell more, hence increase number of bots that need to log in/stay online)

- bots.... you name it

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Im wondering why so many ppls care about these bots.

Bots cant make hero, items and money is not all, sometimes you need brain and hands.

Bots cant own you on pvp if the owner play like  mediocre.

Items and money from bots doesnt help to achive everything in game.

There are many places to exp and farm.

Just go improve yourself in game if you are a competetive e-player and dont waste time with bots.

They did not change from years, they will not now.

Brain + hands >>>>bot power


Cy around, play hard go.

P.S. You hate bots, make a hardcore champion just for PK these bots what you hate. 1000 PK and bots will learn a lesson, stay red forever and be the knight of justicy.

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My sugestion

Place NC Soft employees 24 hours a day (reversing). It does not have to be GM, it can be a normal player. They log in and teleport from city to city (do this every X minutes). Saw someone selling adena, just banish it.

The sale of adena only happens because it compensates the evildoers. They may even be banned, but this takes time, it is time enough to create other characters.

It is impossible for you to teleport to a village and not have someone selling adena. I always denounce (Block Adena Sale Ads), but nothing happens.

I challenge NC Soft to travel to a villa and not receive spam from vendors of adena.

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