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PK System change: no more item drop (from Patch Notes)

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LOL, they have chosen the worst possible option to address complaints from people who go afk with a macro loop even though they were warned the macro loop is not intended for afk farming. But then again, this will hit them even harder as now it will be soooo easy to get rid of AFKers occupying spots ;)

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well, next time when you complain about something you will know the outcome can be even worst :)).
So, no more afk farmers...thats a good thing.
#revolutionbegin #justkill'emall

I can see in a week or so an avalance of complains from new forum chars combined with DDOS attacks :)...when you take bread from table you should expect retaliation.

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this one will be epic ppl dont know what they asked for. you dont need to make wars to ppl you dont like just pk them :D so fun, before top players were cearfull with pk, now some drunk guy with dragon weapon can probably farm some low lvl zone like parnasus clean for few hours till someone kills him :D, even i have few noobs i dislike and now can go to their farming spots kill them and dont get penalty for it.

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Nice now i can equip a random char lv 90+ with good r99 items and start to pk all characters that i see in open world and dont let they level up. Because if i don't drop items having more thank 4 pks. I can stay the whole day killing novice characters that are exping in open world. That's the worst idea you have done to this game. I expect you remove this and put it like allways have been or if my chars start to get pked by some randoms i will do the same and then nobody will exp in open world again....

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Just now, ChiChele said:

haha at least somthing good all bots box afk farmers from 85 lvl till 105 + will be pked ahahaha no more afk farm pk on road like the old days 

also  clan detaging wont help for top ppl, if afk farming will still  get killed also during dragons detaging wont help no more

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all high lvl top players will be perma red...new fun killing pk lowbies. Its the new way NcSoft force players to pvp :).
most players will stay in towns...coz you dont even manage to get to farm spot, you will die in the sec you step out of the town.

Its a good business strategy, you get pk(at first no pb)>>you get several times pk>>>you get mad>>>you search for the wallet and use visa>>>NcSoft happy :)

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Hahaha so funny. You still don't get it. NC west can't loose

If someone got exampledrop  lindvior from pk 1 loose and 1 person has income. 

If item burn, 1 player will loose it and the other still will need to buy one. More ncoins

No drop for pk for scammer, nowhere mentioned if destroyed items.

Gl to willing pkers cry mode will be lot of fun 

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You think NCSoft would have learned how Toxic this community is by now. We are going to have bored 105+ characters pking 99 and below toons all day long because they have nothing better to do. Can't find a party? Oh well, let's just go kill random noobs.

I don't think you thought this one through. There will literally be 0 new people that come play this game when they get frustrated because 85-90 hunting areas are locked out by PK toons that could most likely just be set up to kill players on macro.

This is why we shouldn't ask for something that's only slightly broken to get fixed. 


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Where do you see information, that destruction will be removed from options? 

Was: dropped or destroyed

Is: no more dropping

Question: what option is still on?

Answer: destroyed.

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8 minutes ago, Liti said:

Where do you see information, that destruction will be removed from options? 

Was: dropped or destroyed

Is: no more dropping

Question: what option is still on?

Answer: destroyed.

@Juji ?

I think they have same system on other regions, anyone knows how it works there?

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1 hour ago, FoToMoTo said:

Guys read all carefully :) it says only about drop items so borred bastards cant earn anything from you. But still if u make a lot pk you can lost half of your inventory so dont say will be tons of red ppl around.

still tho you can make a char 100 lvl with r99 gear and start pking all the time ! maybe big lvls will not move so much but low lvls chars will be with red nick names all the time after that pve chars will force to make pvp (Finally to see clans pvping and not only 2-3 clans ) or in siege only, and last ppl will quit cause as always the biggest clans will rule merge will come chronos and naia will become 1 server and gl after that

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1 hour ago, Liti said:

Where do you see information, that destruction will be removed from options? 

Was: dropped or destroyed

Is: no more dropping

Question: what option is still on?

Answer: destroyed.


The item drop penalty for chaotic characters with more than 4 PKs has been removed

Before the update only bound items were destroyed, for example Paulina's items. Patch notes would have stated that regular items will now be destoryed if such a change was to be implemented.

It seems we have gotten sth similar to what EU has, the only PK 'penalties' in EU are:


PK penalties
- Characters with negative Karma don't get XP and SP for killing monsters.
- Most of NPCs don't talk to characters in chaotic state.
- Chaotic characters resurrect and teleport to Floran Village. NPC in Floran Village talk to chaotic characters.
- When teleporting from Isle of Souls, chaotic characters get into Kamael Village.

In our version NC went even further and PKs are allowed to speak to many NPCs etc

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