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Outsourced arrogant/unquialified support taking deliberate actions.


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Straight to the point.

I opened a ticket to check for few items restoration eligibility. Restoration Policy is pretty clear:  https://support.lineage2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360035810271-Token-based-Restoration-Policy

I was then accused by a """Senior""" GM of trying to exploit the restoration system. Only because I quoted their own Policy to them.
The full untouched conversation is here. Pretty frustrating seeing how unaware of the work they are supposed to know how to do it.
I've gotten no response so far for the restoration of other items on the list.

By """Senior""" GM Wraith I exploited the restoration system because I double checked with them, by their own 90 days Policy, if my restored bow was actually eligible or not.

In a single reply he brought up the apparent reason(not mentioned before)as an excuse, very convenient for them, of a quote of my previous restoration.
He's said the 90 day restoration policy didn't exist back then, but here's WaybackMachine snap shot of their support page on June/2020 already showing the 90 days policy:


Can I call my lawyers?



    5 days ago


Just want to check the eligibility on my items for restoration:
+0 Fallen Angel Ring
+13 Bloody Krishna Thrower
Lv4 Legendary Dye's (one of them)
+6 Ruler's Authority
GM Zack

    5 days ago


Thank you for contacting Lineage II Support Team.

Upon further reviewing your request, we have verified that only Fallen Angel's Ring and +6 Ruler's Authority-Stage 1 are eligible. However, we can only restore one accessory for this account since the restoration is limited to 1 per category (Weapon, Accessory, Armor and Dyes) within the same token period (July to Dec.).

As for your other concern, your +13 Bloody Krishna Thrower is not eligible for restoration since it was restored in your previous ticket (23606859). Unfortunately, we will be unable to provide assistance once this weapon gets broken.

Lastly, we were unable to find any Lv.4 Legendary Dye's in your character inventory. Please note that the item must be in your character inventory for us to check the item eligibility and please be aware that any restoration request is still subject to review. You may check the full details of the Token-based Restoration Policy here: Token-based Restoration Policy – Lineage II Support.

I hope this information helps and please let us know if you have any other questions.


GM Zack
NCSOFT Support Team

    5 days ago

The bow restoration was 5 months ago.
The Token-Based Restoration Policy is very clear under "Compound/Enchant Fail Restoration":

'The item has not been restored by the NCSOFT Support Team in the last 90 days, this includes restorations performed on another account or character.'

The level 4 dyes are applied to the character. I created them myself and never asked for restoration before.
GM Zack

    5 days ago


Thank you for getting back to us.

Regarding your concern, once the item has been restored, the item is not eligible for any kind of restoration for 90 days. Take note that if it was requested by the same player regardless if it is over 90 days, it will still not be eligible for restoration.

As for your other concern, we will not be able to verify your Lv.4 Legendary Dye's since they are applied to your character. As stated, we need your Lv.4 Legendary Dye's in your character inventory for us to check the item's eligibility.

I hope this clarifies your inquiries. If you have any other issues or concerns, don't hesitate to contact us.


GM Zack
NCSOFT Support Team

    4 days ago

Yes, 90 days. That's equal to 3 months. And my bow was restored 5 months ago!
By your rules and policies my bow is eligible. Do you understand it now? That 23606859 ticket was on 5 of september of 2020. Wayyyy more than 90 days ago.
Do you confirm it's eligible now?
Senior GM Wraith

    4 days ago


Unfortunately so, your item has been restored on this account before albeit beyond 90 days. We've mentioned in your older ticket 23606859 that

"take note that this item will no longer be eligible for any kind of restoration once it's restored."

With that, this would to be like an attempt to abuse our restoration policy and can be considered as exploiting customer service, which can result in this account and all others connected via IP to be denied restorations in the future. I'm sorry but we won't be able to assist you further in this case. Please note that further requests to have this item restored may no longer receive a response from us.

However in the event that you have other inquiries or requests, please feel free to send a new ticket for those.


Senior GM Wraith
NCSOFT Support Team

    4 days ago


attempt to abuse? attempt to abuse?!?!?
did you even check the timeline of the events????

I read your policy, its crystal clear.

I come ask something, your lower tier GM states something different from the Policy

I ask for clarification quoting your own policy.

He replies saying EXACTLY what I quoted from the policy:
"Regarding your concern, once the item has been restored, the item is not eligible for any kind of restoration for 90 days. Take note that if it was requested by the same player regardless if it is over 90 days, it will still not be eligible for restoration."

Then, since he replied with the same thing as I quoted from the Policy ask for confirmation that is eligible,




    3 days ago

Show me the history of the Policy with the changes over time.

    3 days ago


    2 days ago

restore the fallen angel ring asap

    4 hours ago

Where's the restoration of my +1 fallen angel ring????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I'm posting this on the forums to show how mediocre and bad qualified and arrogant some GM's are.


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-People you are serious ? do You even read agreements when you click button "Play" ?  You own nothing  here , this is purely service access  nothing more. They own your account and whatever you doing with Their account is irrelevant and whenever they want they can simply  remove it from existence.  

-Whatever lawyers you call they will show that agreement button you clicked before starting the game and all thing gonna be over )) 

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Yes but when they cannot even provide you access to service you purchase every single subscription based retailer in the world pro rates or credits your account for time loss over a certain period usually 12 - 24 hours except NCSoft, oh you bought a service cant use it well thank you for the money.  In US that is actually called fraud and it a criminal offense and corporations in the US are considered beings and can have criminal charges placed on them.

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4 hours ago, Whatif said:

-People you are serious ? do You even read agreements when you click button "Play" ?  You own nothing  here , this is purely service access  nothing more. They own your account and whatever you doing with Their account is irrelevant and whenever they want they can simply  remove it from existence.  

-Whatever lawyers you call they will show that agreement button you clicked before starting the game and all thing gonna be over )) 

and OJ was innocent too huh.....

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Actually there are many federal cases regardless of what they have you agree to digital property that has a value cannot just be taken without just cause, its not federal law yet in US but I know some other countries has strict laws on this, but depending on the state in US you better prove there is a very good reason for taking things for people without reimbursement.


I love the simplicity you think only kids play this game, no there are IT gurus, IT designers, lawyers, law enforcement, etc play this game too and just tick off the wrong one at the wrong time and this game has lot of issues it can be brought out for.

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2 hours ago, mixa said:

This guy is beyond repair.

We have talked before, I know you don't live in the states so I don't expect you to know what it's like to not just accept.   Here, when someone tells you something, you have the right to question it, and I for 1 urge you to.   Now, when   I follow their rules, and spend tons of money while doing so, and they turn around and dont follow their own rules, there can definitely be  a problem, I don't care what is in the user agreement or what you clicked to agree. 

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100000% agreed.  Just so you know you do not waive legal rights if whats in the EULA is actually illegal.

Its called the plain text doctrine in the US if vague or confusing or contradicting language is used in a contract could invalidate the whole contract.

   IE their restoration policy could easily be challenged because it confusing and subjective and changed on the fly.

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Yes - call  lawyers. Long time we waiting good GM's  - maybe will be some changes after.

Im also sometimes writing tickets - but newer not get right answer.  Im start thinking here GM's ... . COPY/PASTE just doing.

Maybe just @Hime like GM its ok.. All other...better not need.

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22 hours ago, Slycutter said:

Yes but when they cannot even provide you access to service you purchase every single subscription based retailer in the world pro rates or credits your account for time loss over a certain period usually 12 - 24 hours except NCSoft, oh you bought a service cant use it well thank you for the money.  In US that is actually called fraud and it a criminal offense and corporations in the US are considered beings and can have criminal charges placed on them.

haha go go to fbi go to gambling office as this game is gambling type and should  be from 18+ i see all gm laughing on the floor.   he got right answer that item is not eligible to restore. they inform him on the previous ticket that item not will be eligible to restore now he do drama like dram queen and try abuse system to have +20 weapon.  and please note that all decision is made on nc discretion its say policy  and actually override all points of policy. 

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For the extremely under educated that cant understand or lazy that didn't take time to read:

I asked to see if some items we're eligible for restoration, included a bow restored before by me 5 months ago.

They said the bow cant be restored because it was restored 5 months ago. But their policy says after 90 days it can be restored again. I then asked again, clarifying the dates for them, and quoting their policy.
And bam, I got accused of exploiting the service and no more response. Even another item they said could be restored, wasn't.


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Where are you reading that anything that has been restored can be restored again?  It was my understanding that once an item was restored, it gets flagged, permanently, and should never be available again.  Yes, I know some things slipped through but shouldn't have.   I personally think you are exploiting the system that was put in place for accidental broken, lost, or destroyed items, not so you get a free chance to try oe every few months, but that is an opinion.

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First of all,

People that are trying to abuse the restoration token by Breaking or attempting things on purpose and they try to make "sure" they will get their items back, i also think its an abuse, the restoration thing is mostly for Misstakes, and not for abusing just to enchant or try things at risk with "no risk" its not like that it should work.

And second of all , what i understood is that they said its 90 days in order to get restored again, but once an item has been restored, you can't restore it ever again, 1 restoration per item forever, this prevent from any abuser who wait time limit every 3 month and keep enchanting things safely that way.  Not made for that at all.

i don't see the problem in the ticket, they answered correctly, you just don't want to accept that you lost you'r weapon for ur own fault. and u try to blame NC, if u dont wanna break ur items, use a destruction scroll,; gold ticket, just like everyone.

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1 hour ago, Overthelord said:

Forgive me, not really used to that restoration stuff.

But why do they write "has not been restored in the past 90 days" at all if they state that any item can be restored only once?

Doesn't make sense to me.


Also i don't see in their token based restoration policy written that a item can only be restored 1 time.

All i see is the above 90 day rule. Correct me please if i missed some on their site.

When you open the ticket asking for restoration they state clearly something in the lines "take note that this item will no longer be eligible for any kind of restoration once it's restored. Let us know if you would like us to proceed with the restoration." 

I do agree that the policy could be more clear in this regard, but before they do any kind of restoration they state this information and ask for consent. So they are just following what they already said.

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5 hours ago, Degus said:

Where are you reading that anything that has been restored can be restored again?  It was my understanding that once an item was restored, it gets flagged, permanently, and should never be available again.  Yes, I know some things slipped through but shouldn't have.   I personally think you are exploiting the system that was put in place for accidental broken, lost, or destroyed items, not so you get a free chance to try oe every few months, but that is an opinion.

Where is it written that anything restored cant be restored again? THAT'S the question.
Because its clear, one of the rules to be eligible for failed enchants:
"The item has not been restored by the NCSOFT Support Team in the last 90 days, this includes restorations performed on another account or character."

If they say that the item cant be restored again within 90 days, that's plain human readable language that items can be restored more than once, given the appropriate time.

5 hours ago, iAndouille said:

First of all,

People that are trying to abuse the restoration token by Breaking or attempting things on purpose and they try to make "sure" they will get their items back, i also think its an abuse, the restoration thing is mostly for Misstakes, and not for abusing just to enchant or try things at risk with "no risk" its not like that it should work.

And second of all , what i understood is that they said its 90 days in order to get restored again, but once an item has been restored, you can't restore it ever again, 1 restoration per item forever, this prevent from any abuser who wait time limit every 3 month and keep enchanting things safely that way.  Not made for that at all.

i don't see the problem in the ticket, they answered correctly, you just don't want to accept that you lost you'r weapon for ur own fault. and u try to blame NC, if u dont wanna break ur items, use a destruction scroll,; gold ticket, just like everyone.

Silly, I did not lose my weapon. I just asked for eligibility. My weapon is safe and sound. Are you one of the lazy one's that didn't read?
Just by asking if it was eligible and double checking it against their own Policy. they denied me the services.
I bet that "Senior" GM voted for Biden and thrilled when Trump got banned from Twitter.


36 minutes ago, SoMeTiMe said:


When you open the ticket asking for restoration they state clearly something in the lines "take note that this item will no longer be eligible for any kind of restoration once it's restored. Let us know if you would like us to proceed with the restoration." 

I do agree that the policy could be more clear in this regard, but before they do any kind of restoration they state this information and ask for consent. So they are just following what they already said.

I had restored some other stuff before and in NONE of the replies they ever stated that, only that once. And the """Senior""" GM is used that to ban me from this service.

Lets not forget that that 90 day policy was present since months before I restored the first time. Just check the Wayback Machine link in the original post.


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3 minutes ago, Daik0n said:

I had restored some other stuff before and in NONE of the replies they ever stated that, only that once. And the """Senior""" GM is used that to ban me from this service.


On 2/15/2021 at 12:19 AM, Daik0n said:

 We've mentioned in your older ticket 23606859 that

"take note that this item will no longer be eligible for any kind of restoration once it's restored."

Well, he said here that he mentioned in the previous ticket. Did you checked it?

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29 minutes ago, SoMeTiMe said:


Well, he said here that he mentioned in the previous ticket. Did you checked it?

Other than that one. As I said "only that once".
All other restorations had nothing with that.
What do you trust? The always kept up do date Policy, or some random outsourced, probably not even on Zendesk anymore, GM phrase in the middle of the wall of text of pre-made copy-text response?

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3 conditions to restore an item :
1-  You need a token
2 - 90 days between 2 restorations of the same item
3 - Items which can be restorable several times (except for items that can only be restored once)

 Remove the 90 days in the policy of restoration, because anyway it's  2 times  per year . The policy of restoration is here to help and give  chances to ppl, cause enchantments and compound are difficult.


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13 minutes ago, Chanix said:

3 conditions to restore an item :
1-  You need a token
2 - 90 days between 2 restorations of the same item
3 - Items which can be restorable several times (except for items that can only be restored once)

 Remove the 90 days in the policy of restoration, because anyway it's  2 times  per year . The policy of restoration is here to help and give  chances to ppl, cause enchantments and compound are difficult.


1 and 2 are OK in my case. Number 3 you mentioned is not a policy, where did you take that out from?

But they are taking deliberate action.
If one item should or not be restored more than once, its not on the Policy ATM and its not this discussio.

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55 minutes ago, Daik0n said:

1 and 2 are OK in my case. Number 3 you mentioned is not a policy, where did you take that out from?

But they are taking deliberate action.
If one item should or not be restored more than once, its not on the Policy ATM and its not this discussio.

Indeed, the items that can be restored once are not mentioned, which in my opinion should be.
Example for my case : My +5 Fallen Angel's Ring,  which had been restored once but could not be restored for a second time,because this item was confirmed to me by the GMs being restorable only once.

Let's be happy to be able to enjoy it even if it's only once.

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yeah me too, i just asked for eligibility, got crappy response, no actual reason and then, when someone finally said the reason i was accused of exploiting the service.

they don't like to be confronted.

and for the item they said i could restore, they didn't.

those "GM's".. haha



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OMG... of course making your own interpetation...

When they say item can be restored within 90 day period.. they mean weapon for example.. A weapon.. not same weapon!!!

Just soooooo silly to clarify this... but here goes.. 1 weapon can be restored.. then wait 90 days to restore "ANOTHER" weapon.. NOT same weapon!!!!!

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