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Reporting Scammers, Bots, & Adena Sellers


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First of all u change the in game report from 3 to 10, then u post this to pretend ur doing something, if u spend 10 minutes por day running the main spots u can find a lot of bots and ban manualy (i'll do not speak about chat spammers). 

a friend who played with me gave up playing and is currently running 80 bots to make real money, He told me that he got banned on 5 accounts, Keep doing this nice job.

U should track the adena from bots and roll back or remove the advantages, maybe real players come back to game.

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It is quite apparent that the current method of eliminating bots and adena sellers is not working. It is more than a little frustrating to try and farm an area for a certain item or recipe without having an infestation of bots.

I played Rohan Blood Feud awhile back, a game very similar to Lineage. There were no Crone (in game currency) sellers and definitely not the massive amount of bots present in this game. Rohan has 2 online stores, one of which is a Player Market store. Players can buy and sell in game items, including crone. All they have to do is transfer their items to the online store and register them to sell. This method eliminated the need for currency farming and generated sales for players. Perhaps a similar store could be set up for Lineage Classic.

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On 12/4/2018 at 7:13 PM, Hime said:

If you have names of bots to report, please use the bot report function in game and submit a ticket through our Support channel.

If you write to Support to discuss with them the issue with bots, they will direct you to the forums where you are welcomed to discuss the issue. The forums is simply not the channel to report other players and bots.

I have a question, since we are not allowed to have public outcry on the forms regarding bots. Is it acceptable to live stream zones where the bots are, making it public to the masses? 

I am only asking for 2 reasons. The first is, because I was assisting my wife with her class change quest as shes a first time player, and ..... some of the areas we had to run through / compete for mobs are just riddled with bots.... you can even drop 1 adena on the floor far enough apart from them and have them in a loop till the owner comes to correct it.

The second, is why are you making it increasingly more difficult for the players to get rid of bots? Three quick examples are, no item loss on mob death, bot reports increased from 3 to 10, and the inability to remove PK counts.

So, since we cannot as a collective come to you guys on the forms with videos / pictures (and expect help), are we allowed to go to other forms of social media, such as, but not limited to, Reddit, Twitch, Twitter, and FB (In an effort to see some change)?

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report is useless, the work to be done is on the part of ncsoft and the developers and creators of lineage 2 game. For a good future of the game it is necessary to develop protection software that is able to block all bots. any other comment or report is useless. What we need is for ncsoft to work on it. Thank you and good game.

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original post by @Hime on 9 november on this topic.

total pages in this topic: 10.

responses from NCSoft staff in this thread: zero that i could find.

So many people, legitimate players of this fine game, have posted solutions to these problems of botting and adena seller spam.  There has been no reply from staff whether they have seen these, read these or attempted to make a plan to implement any kind of potential solutions. 

The bot population continues to grow.  why?  because it is not being countermanded by NCSoft.  Reporting procedures for players have become more difficult and reports are not receiving sufficient attention or response.

Adena sellers are now making enough money that they can afford to spam mail with their adena ads.  i have 4 mailboxes full of them, unopened, undeleted. they will expire naturally because i will ignore them.

My conclusion is the most natural one possible for this scenario.  NCSoft likes bots.  NCSoft, despite its own rules and regulations, adores bots.  NCSoft encourages bots.  NCSoft very likely runs its own herds of bots to accumulate adena to sell the gullible masses.  Just another money-making opportunity, right?

NCSoft has no compassion for the legitimate players, the people who actually care about this game.  NCSoft simply does not care that they are injecting their own game with a poison that will ultimately kill it.  The poison of bots, the poison of adena sellers, the poison of allowing the game economy to be thrown into an unrecoverable imbalance.

It isn't hard to understand why some people prefer to play on non-NCSoft servers.  Those servers are managed with live GMs, they have rules that are enforced, they have live playing communities.  Through the years it became well known that NCSoft researched its competitor non-NCSoft servers and took ideas from them including NPC buffers, alternate "event" currencies and mounts, just to name a very few.  The one take-away NCSoft overlooked however was live management of those servers, an accountability by those server owners and staff for the success and/or failure of those servers.  NCSoft really missed the boat on that one.

So we can sit here all day in the forums with our complaints, with our suggestions and solutions and the results will continually forever be the same.  NCSoft doesn't care.  They're making money hand over fist, the 30$ start-up packs for classic were sold by the thousands.  thousands times 30$ each - well, i think it's fair to say they had a pretty good financial quarter from that one event alone. 

As long as NCSoft continues to play the money game, consider the logic of them farming (with their own bots) and selling adena through third-party entities all for the sake of the bottom line of dollars.  I absolutely believe it could be true.  So as long as we complain about the bots, NCSoft will sit in their plush conference rooms and grin and nod and say, oh yeah, we got the beat on this one boys!  we're making all that money and our playing public doesn't know it. 

yeah, i'd bet my last dollar that's what NCSoft is doing.  at least it would explain why there is no response to these very real blights on the game.


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Talking island server is infested with bots. It's got to the point where I assume every char I meet in Ivory Tower crator is a bot. 95% of them are. 


Its hard enough dropping spellbooks as it is, without competing with 24/7 bot parties ?


Other areas I've noticed full of bots are bee hive and areas around orc village. Dozens of bots farming adena to sell I guess. 

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Its not only EG all zones 20-35lvl  looks like this ,everywhere  mostly elf with same items farming, almost no places  there farm for newbies. How its even possible?? its ncsoft not like illegal server where 1-2 month wiped... Yuo can try walk around 20-35 zones and probably you can calculate 200-400 elfs with same items , wtf is this??

For example in orc village bots running and jumping in water to get fall damage  and die in water , so probably can delvl , its a joke how ncsoft dont care about servers.

How you think  how much time  its takes to completely destroy all servers...

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On 12/5/2018 at 1:13 AM, Hime said:

If you have names of bots to report, please use the bot report function in game and submit a ticket through our Support channel.

If you write to Support to discuss with them the issue with bots, they will direct you to the forums where you are welcomed to discuss the issue. The forums is simply not the channel to report other players and bots.

Its a joke? how we can wrote bots name if its more then 400???  ITS IN ALL ZONES , what tickets we need write?  Its looks like ncsoft  keeps all community so stupid , we dont understand nothing...



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I lost a lot of time up 2 accounts in the classic, and I took ban without ever having entered the game using bot, according to the gms and irreversible, but how do they come to the conclusion that common players are with bot? .. and why not analyze case by case to show more respect to players who go through this ridiculous situation on the part of the server? ... the only thing the staff does is copy and paste the same answer to all the tickets I've seen so far.

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for me the only reason that is clear is. NCSOFT is gaining its share in all this, they receive their commission for all sales of "Adrenaline" bots and also for all adena sales within the game. Adena sellers are getting richer than the inventors and game owners themselves. We are in a phase where all players are using bot and buying adena, we clean players are the minority, that is why no one cares about us. on a server where 80% of people are buying adena and using bot, the 20% who are trying to play honestly have no voice. For me it does not enter my head the idea that NCSOFT does not have the ability to block all bots if they really want, just do. More if what I think is true, that ncsoft is making money through the sales of BOTS and ADENA, so it's a sign that the hope for the game is over and we do not have anything else to do, the option is, to settle for this or uninstall or game, or play some illegal. I know illegal servers that there is no bot, really 0 bots, nobody can use. I wonder, if in illegal there is no bot, because here in the official with the creators of the game will be allowed? obviously someone is making money from it. I do not believe it's because of a lack of ability to create protection software. Surely in 2,018 2,019 there is a person smart enough to create a protection program that really works, you just find that person or company and hire their services. XIGN CODE from wellbia.com does not really work.

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Okay, let's get real here! You supposedly go after bots and Adena sellers but, what I have seen is the OPPOSITE. I see nothing but bots everywhere and the Adena sales spams get worse (no matter how much I block them and report them with your useless button). Gameplay has become almost impossible with bots stealing mobs and real players are getting banned for simply giving clan members soulshot! You need to get the drop rates fixed and clean up. the drop rate is what is driving the bot and adena problems. My clan member and leader Malificent has never botted once in her 8 years of playing and here you ban them with no back up with reason. And my clan member Athen got a final warning for trading soulshot with clan members. YOU PPL HAVE ISSUES! signed, real close to playing World of Warcraft!


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On 9/11/2018 at 6:50 PM, Hime said:

There are unfortunately unsavory individuals looking to make a quick Adena by gaining your trust or by misrepresenting what they are trying to sell or buy.

The best way not to get scammed is to be extremely careful. Take an extra look before pressing okay, and be aware of the potential risks you’re taking on. Be wary of any character who asks to talk about a trade outside of game (Via Facebook, Discord, Skype..etc), as they maybe trying to gain personal information or hide their true intentions from our in-game logs. Our Support team will not be able to help you restore items lost as a result of a scam.
There are some individuals trying to game our system for personal gain and profit. We do not support any kind of automated gameplay in our game, and any accounts found doing so will be closed. Our team closes numerous accounts daily for illegal third-party usage, and will continue to do so.

We have an in-game system that allows you to report cheaters and automated gameplay. You report them using the ‘Report Auto Hunting’ action button. Only use this system to report characters you think are being suspicious – abusing this system may result in actions being taken against your account. You can also report illegal automated gameplay through our Support system, and if you chose to do that, please clearly indicate what you’re seeing and the offenders’ names. Please include screenshots if possible.

Adena Sellers
Unfortunately, the same individuals who exploit our system with illegal automated play are also trying to make a quick buck at your expense by illegally selling you Adena. We handle these accounts the same way we handle illegal automated gameplay—by closing the accounts as soon as we discover the activity. While it might not be the account that has been spamming you, we close accounts daily and will continue to close them. You can report Adena Sellers through our in-game system by right-clicking their name in chat and select ‘Block Adena Sales’. You can also report illegal automated gameplay through our Support system, and if you chose to do that, please clearly indicate what you’re seeing and the offenders’ names.

Do not buy Adena from Adena Sellers as that supports these illegal activities along with putting your own account at risk.

We understand that seeing this type of behavior from other players can lead to a frustrating experience. We are continuing to mitigate the impact of these types of activities as we continue to improve our detection methods and use the information provided from the reports that come in from our players. If your account has been closed, please contact Customer Support.


When you try to download the Support System to report bots and the link is broken.

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naive people fighting windmills.It became too late for any fixes once legit players became a minority compared to botters. you can even tell that by looking at forum,its like 20 people at most who complaining about bots,rest already left or just doesnt care anymore.truly sad of what this server has become. RIP classic NA 2018-2018

btw all changes that were made after lounch to combat botting in reality it helped bots be more safe instead,think about it..

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On 29/12/2018 at 4:25 AM, Gaspa said:


naive people fighting windmills.It became too late for any fixes once legit players became a minority compared to botters. you can even tell that by looking at forum,its like 20 people at most who complaining about bots,rest already left or just doesnt care anymore.truly sad of what this server has become. RIP classic NA 2018-2018

btw all changes that were made after lounch to combat botting in reality it helped bots be more safe instead,think about it..


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On 12/19/2018 at 1:49 PM, Theia said:

It is quite apparent that the current method of eliminating bots and adena sellers is not working. It is more than a little frustrating to try and farm an area for a certain item or recipe without having an infestation of bots.

I played Rohan Blood Feud awhile back, a game very similar to Lineage. There were no Crone (in game currency) sellers and definitely not the massive amount of bots present in this game. Rohan has 2 online stores, one of which is a Player Market store. Players can buy and sell in game items, including crone. All they have to do is transfer their items to the online store and register them to sell. This method eliminated the need for currency farming and generated sales for players. Perhaps a similar store could be set up for Lineage Classic.

I had never heard of that game nor have any of the online friends of mine that I have consulted. So I had to use google to find out what you were talking about. Ronan Blood Feud manages to have substantially worse scores than lineage 2 on every rating site. Not exactly a good game nor is it very popular. I'm not surprised botters and RMT aren't bothering with that game as the profit just isn't there.


There are some posts in this thread that are simply divorced from reality. Bots cost NCwest money directly via server operating costs and indirectly by turning off potential paying customers.

Absurd claims such as the one about getting banned for sharing soul shots with a guild mate isn't helping the matter either. At least try to stay somewhat within reach of reality please...

Or silly crap like this...

On 12/24/2018 at 11:06 AM, PleaseStopBots said:

for me the only reason that is clear is. NCSOFT is gaining its share in all this, they receive their commission for all sales of "Adrenaline" bots and also for all adena sales within the game. Adena sellers are getting richer than the inventors and game owners themselves. We are in a phase where all players are using bot and buying adena, we clean players are the minority, that is why no one cares about us. on a server where 80% of people are buying adena and using bot, the 20% who are trying to play honestly have no voice. For me it does not enter my head the idea that NCSOFT does not have the ability to block all bots if they really want, just do. More if what I think is true, that ncsoft is making money through the sales of BOTS and ADENA, so it's a sign that the hope for the game is over and we do not have anything else to do, the option is, to settle for this or uninstall or game, or play some illegal. I know illegal servers that there is no bot, really 0 bots, nobody can use. I wonder, if in illegal there is no bot, because here in the official with the creators of the game will be allowed? obviously someone is making money from it. I do not believe it's because of a lack of ability to create protection software. Surely in 2,018 2,019 there is a person smart enough to create a protection program that really works, you just find that person or company and hire their services. XIGN CODE from wellbia.com does not really work.

That's funny as the creator was freaking out about spies just last month. You know when one of the big waves of "OMGZ IW AS BANNED FOR BEING AFK IN TOWN!!" posts appeared on these forums. I do admit I only discovered this thanks to some of the regulars on discord pointing it out. So I'm not exactly on the up to date list of what bots are hot or whatever.

You're absolutely delusional if you believe NCwest is getting a cut of any of this. There would be no way for NCwest to legally hide such income from publicly available filings. Nor would this be something that could exist without at least one former/current employee (most seem rather disgruntled based on employer review sites) blowing the lid off it. It's pure crap conspiracy theory on level with flat earthers...



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The point I was trying to make was that the online Player Market provided a service for players to buy and sell items as well as currency, which would help to alleviate the botting issues. I did not say that Rohan Blood Feud was a popular game, nor that it was any good, I was trying to offer a viable solution to the ongoing bot issue. The online store was quite a popular method of doing business for many players, especially those who preferred to play the game or those who were unable to leave sell shops up and unattended. The company charged a nominal fee for items sold and people gained online currency to purchase regular store items and/or items from the Player Market.

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Did the reason server die? the immense amount of bot for the whole map, zero ncsoft work totally sad and sad because I thought that by being official this was not going to happen it is impossible to play you can not there is no way to play you can not kill a bug without asking permission before to a bot totally a failure the server

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