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Everything posted by Nymphadorae

  1. This. And besides all that you still have the smartasses that abuse the situation and blatantly mock the issue because they know nothing will happen to them
  2. https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/15544-let-us-change-main/?page=3&tab=comments#comment-109464
  3. The best way is try to your luck with Support about this situation. But you bought Prestige Pack and NCoins and you received Prestige Pack and NCoins. You got what you paid for. The servers could be offline for 1 month and yet you wouldn't be "entitled" to anything.
  4. Not happening soon. It's the only class that gets nerfed and gets stronger in this game
  5. Unfortunately it's a free to play game. Not a free to be top player game
  6. Unfortunately they can't bring the PK drop penalty back. Since they don't have active people monitoring the game, they can't avoid the "PK scams" from happening like it happened before. So this was their "solution" (which I also agree it's not a great one) to make everyone happy. And clearly didn't work for everyone
  7. The most important thing to retain here Plus, for the electrical bill guy, if you're spending more than should on a hobby (such as this game), without any return involved (at least mental happiness), probably you're not having fun anymore and just stressing with what you can't achieve in the game. The issues that we're having now, it's the same as ~6 months ago, and apparently nothing is gonna change anytime soon... so... adapt yourself according to it or try to make the best use of your time with something else
  8. https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/15544-let-us-change-main/?page=3&tab=comments#comment-109464
  9. It's a great thought, but for them you ARE having a free event (Power of Love). They consider the Love Potion drops and Chocolate buffs to be a good freebie to boost you while you farm. And honestly it's not bad. At least it's free They have boosted server settings (more adena on weekends, more XP/SP, and so on) at least 2 times per year. As it is, it's the best you're gonna get
  10. It's the best solution. I'm having the "A version of the NC Launcher is already running" issue. While NOTHING is open. But I'm too lazy to restart the computer atm, so I'll just not log for a while
  11. This is definitely not one of the most expensive events. They actually had a lot of outrageous expensive events for zero rewards. They can't fix the server lag issues. So most likely you'll continue having them. Adapt to it or try to play something else in the meantime until it's fixed.
  12. From Google: replenish verb fill (something) up again So basically yes. If fills vitality if you're dead or in peaceful zones (not farming basically). But it fills up reaaaaaally slow
  13. Well this was the same that happened last Summer... seems like a perma issue atm might as well have a permanent break o/
  14. Here is the why: https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/16810-character-creation-unavailable-until-212/?tab=comments#comment-114757 And the same thing happened on Summer 2019. So... yeah...
  15. Drop the swords final reward to 1bi and everything above is solved
  16. It doesn't have anything to do with backups. Most 110+ got extra XP and 109 and below got less XP. Just shows that different regions have different XP curves and ours apparently it's not bad until 110 and then it's hell after that. Since they pinpointed the issue, they should fix it. Adena and other items and backup doesn't have anything to do with the issue. Their incompetence is another story
  17. Seraph and Eternal are armor grades. So the R110 armor is Leviathan and not Krishna (this is for weapons). The S can count for Super like you said, or Special. And the R, just simple a new way of grading things after GoD. Same way that Bronze, Silver, Gold wasn't enough to define ranks in some games, and they added Diamond, Platinum and so on. It doesn't need to have a meaning, just that they need to keep upgrading and they need to find new rank/grades for it. They might run the whole alphabet one day L2 Lore can be found here, but no info about why recent things are named as they are: https://l2wiki.com/Lineage_2_Lore
  18. Grocery - Trade other items - there's one available at the end of the list, but it's No-Grade (level 1-19). It's the only one I could find around and I doubt it works as the R-Grade one. When they revamped the Grocery NPCs, probably a boo boo was made and those got deleted. Submit a ticket just in case to remember them of this
  19. Since Sayha's Seer can't equip sigil, you earn a lot more equipping a retributer
  20. Although some things might be different (mostly L2 Store items related), the updates themselves are all similar. So yes, every class will be able to have iss buffs. Although these buffs are maximum level 4 melodies and will never replace a good active iss
  21. https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/15544-let-us-change-main/?page=3&tab=comments#comment-109464
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