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#FreeWallabi - Unban Wallabi


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Hello community

First of all sorry for my bad inglish.

My main toon (Wallabi) got ban on June, for a charge back that i never ask. The credit card that i used lost and for security my father ask bank to make card unavaible and make a NEW one.. (i have now).

Bank missunderstand and for security charge back some payments including NCsoft payments. 

  • 15 USD - Prestige pack
  • 50 USD - Ncoins
  • And i think 15 USD more of ncoins 10 and 5.

Since that happend, i mail NCsoft and the answere i get always is "cordinate with finantial institucion"... I called bank every week asking them to give NCsoft money back, that it was valid purchases made by me. They gave me a number to track my issue. I called later every week to know how this going and they always say, that my issue is in investigation and soon when it finish they going to give me a response.
When the investigation finished like 2 month ago or so... They gave back money to me, and not to NCsoft

I mail Ncsoft and they said like always..... if money dont back where it take my account going to be permanent banned. 

So now im asking community help, for those who wanna help 6 - 7 years old player. 

I never got a single ban for ilegal stuff or whatever. Lot of ppl in comunnity will hate me for "toxic". Some others will help me

I just want some higher rank to take a look on my ticket, give me a solution to get back my account. 

When MASTERCARD close case they told me its irreversible and talk with ecommerse(NCSOFT), for ask a rebill.

This is want i want or other solution. I got back the money but im willing to solve it giving back to them

6 - 7 years old player, who bought monthly prestige pack and sometimes NCoins when i could. 

So please, if someone know a solution, or know some higher rank on NCsoft to help me get unban. I will appreciate it. 

I miss the game, i miss the PvP,  i miss enjoy playing with some friends ingame, all i want is recover my account and back to play as always.

Wallabi  -  (kjhdaskdjhaskjdhkasjhdk)

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1 minute ago, Slawa said:

We miss the skskakskskkakskaakakaskshahsha, juji do something 

please do it like this " kjsahdkajhsdkjhasdkjhaskjdhaskjhdajshgdjhasdjhasgd"

not like this "skskakskskkakskaakakaskshahsha"

U need to flow ur fingers in keyboard letters J A K  H S D randomly


Thanks for support1

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Free Wallabito, u cant just ban when he just lost target credit, just give him a chance to pay those stuff and give back their account, do something good for one time in ur life ncsoft... we all love otakus like wallabito ❤️

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16 minutes ago, Dawe said:

And why NCsoft doesn't want to send that rebill?

I dont know. 

I need just a solution. If they let me buy Ncoins for the ammout of what charged back and they take them or idk what other idea.

What ever works for me




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Unban Wallabi i play with him on Chronos and on Core and he is good player and never see that he make something ilegal. Anyone can lost the credit card and then bank will always protect the client blocking the card and refund even if you dont ask for. Give Wallabi the opportunity to pay to ncsoft the $80.00.



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Thanks all for the support! i have a good answere from Support team! 

I will try to solve this problem 100% soon as possible, i want to enjoy game again without thinking i could be ban again 

Thanks all

Thanks also to @Juji anwere me and help me to support take my ticket review

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I have lost and changed my credit card i use for ncsoft many times.  I never have done a charge back...and the credit cards always ask who to apply chargeback to...so from my experience you/father asked for chargeback and thats ground for account to banned.  good luck with your issue.

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Wallabito is a pain in the ass, but to ban a long standing player over a banking transaction that he has tried to make whole is crazy. We have known players who have scammed players out of thousands of dollars that don’t get ban. Unban the man’s account.

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