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All chat goes to general chat


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Hello everyone, it's my first post (and with high probability also last) on this new forums. I will use this thread to tell my last story with amazing 3-rd party provided support.

I couldn't use chat or PMs and they could not solve it, asking for proofs and more and more information. I linked them video and they started something about "correct account stuff, mail, etc.". Is support here for fixing problems or for insulting customers by not providing ANY support at all? Here is video for everyone, this is what NC WEST can make with your character - unable to play in MMORPG environment:



About other case, I have to again ask for @Neutron help because current support lacking knowledge of the game mechanics. Could you please reply to the ticket no. 20542023 ? You are probably only one around in years when those items were inserted to server so you can decide the best.


You won't run this game for a long time with this attitude.

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  • L2 Team
On 7/30/2018 at 1:01 PM, socketka said:

Hello everyone, it's my first post (and with high probability also last) on this new forums. I will use this thread to tell my last story with amazing 3-rd party provided support.

I couldn't use chat or PMs and they could not solve it, asking for proofs and more and more information. I linked them video and they started something about "correct account stuff, mail, etc.". Is support here for fixing problems or for insulting customers by not providing ANY support at all? Here is video for everyone, this is what NC WEST can make with your character - unable to play in MMORPG environment:



About other case, I have to again ask for @Neutron help because current support lacking knowledge of the game mechanics. Could you please reply to the ticket no. 20542023 ? You are probably only one around in years when those items were inserted to server so you can decide the best.


You won't run this game for a long time with this attitude.


I noticed this reply was buried in another thread and I have moved it to our Bug Section on the forums.

I understand any frustrating in trying to find a fix to this issue but this is such an abnormal issue that neither us or the Development Team can replicate the problem using any combination of characters or any live or test server with the current information. Additionally, when trouble shooting an issue the best to narrow down as many variables as possible to know what might cause the issue, such as is it the game client? is it the server? is the users PC/System?

I'm not actually able to review tickets anymore (due to GDPR security changes) so it would be easier to just ask here than try and go back and forth with the GM team about a one-off bug like this.

If you have a moment can you answer the following, these are just to get a baseline of information:

1.) When did the issue first happen? Were there any unusual things you can think of that happened near that time?

2.) Do you see the issue on all characters on this account? Does it happen on other accounts also?

3.) If you have more than one PC, does the issue still occur on a different PC?

4.) Does the problem happen all the time or only sometimes? (We can see chat logs everyday showing up from the character in the correct chat channels).

5.) Have you tried to reinstall the game and testing it with the default settings?

6.) Which OS and build version do you play on?


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It is ban chat(how it looks now).

Socket, try to pm to keno10, you will see in system chat that keno10's chat is blocked.


The questin is... why? Many people have same problem time to time. Impossible to solve this probles w/o support team

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  • L2 Team
2 hours ago, dUdot said:


It is ban chat(how it looks now).

Socket, try to pm to keno10, you will see in system chat that keno10's chat is blocked.


The questin is... why? Many people have same problem time to time. Impossible to solve this probles w/o support team

i'll take a look into that, we've had some updates to the blocking/reporting feature in the last few months but of course there was no mention to us it would change the the behavior like this.


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17 hours ago, Neutron said:

... I understand any frustrating in trying to find a fix to this issue but this is such an abnormal issue that neither us or the Development Team can replicate the problem using any combination of characters or any live or test server with the current information. Additionally, when trouble shooting an issue the best to narrow down as many variables as possible to know what might cause the issue, such as is it the game client? is it the server? is the users PC/System?

I'm not actually able to review tickets anymore (due to GDPR security changes) so it would be easier to just ask here than try and go back and forth with the GM team about a one-off bug like this.

If you have a moment can you answer the following, these are just to get a baseline of information:

1.) When did the issue first happen? Were there any unusual things you can think of that happened near that time?

2.) Do you see the issue on all characters on this account? Does it happen on other accounts also?

3.) If you have more than one PC, does the issue still occur on a different PC?

4.) Does the problem happen all the time or only sometimes? (We can see chat logs everyday showing up from the character in the correct chat channels).

5.) Have you tried to reinstall the game and testing it with the default settings?

6.) Which OS and build version do you play on?



1) The first time this issue was reported was on May 12. In the second post in that thread another player says that he had (at that time) had that problem since 3 weeks, which would put the start to April 21 plus/minus 10% memory failure, i.e. the maintenance on April 18 or April 25:

2) The chat ban is character-specific, i.e. you can use trade shouts or world chat with other characters on the same account. In my case it happened to two characters on two different accounts, with one account having one (unaffected) other character and the other account having 6 (unaffected) other characters.

3) I have only one PC with Lineage 2 installed.

4) Once the problem starts, it doesn't go away and persists (in my case for several weeks) until Support manually lifts the chat ban, not like in the past when the chat ban ran out after a day or so.

5) Since I am aware that this is not a bug but malicious use of the /block function (which is why you can't reproduce the phenomenon on your test server) I didn't try to reinstall the game.

6) I use Windows 7 Ultimate.

The easiest way to end the chat block war that DeathBleach describes in the 9th post of the thread I linked above would be to make it so that /block can only be used by characters of lvl 95 or above.


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22 hours ago, Neutron said:

1.) When did the issue first happen? Were there any unusual things you can think of that happened near that time?

2.) Do you see the issue on all characters on this account? Does it happen on other accounts also?

3.) If you have more than one PC, does the issue still occur on a different PC?

4.) Does the problem happen all the time or only sometimes? (We can see chat logs everyday showing up from the character in the correct chat channels).

5.) Have you tried to reinstall the game and testing it with the default settings?

6.) Which OS and build version do you play on?


The same thing happened to me.

1. June 3rd.

2. Didn't test other chars on the same account. I could use chat as normal on other accounts.

3. Don't have other pc.

4. Happened only once.

5. No, just made a report. At first they told me it was fixed, but it wasnt so i msg support again. After the 2nd report which was 2 days later they fixed it.

6. Windows 10 Home.


PS. It also happened to few other clan members (MorningStar - Chronos) we just thought its some kind of new chat ban we receive after being mass blocked in game.

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1.) When did the issue first happen? Were there any unusual things you can think of that happened near that time?

several months ago

2.) Do you see the issue on all characters on this account? Does it happen on other accounts also?

it has happened on 3 accounts of mine

3.) If you have more than one PC, does the issue still occur on a different PC?

yes it does

4.) Does the problem happen all the time or only sometimes? (We can see chat logs everyday showing up from the character in the correct chat channels).

yes those characters cannot chat at all for months now

5.) Have you tried to reinstall the game and testing it with the default settings?

this wont affect it since logging into a brand new computer has the same issue on those characters.

6.) Which OS and build version do you play on?

7 and 10

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, so if producer at least replied to my bug report (and nothing else), I will inform you, other players (especially paying ones) about how this matter went on.

I made ticket about this issue with video proof on 28th July 2018. Ticket was left unsolved with automated crap responds, and I was left with unability to chat in game until I had to create another two arrogant tickets when automats suddenly woke up and on 19th August 2018 I was able to chat again. That makes it 22 days (over 3 weeks) without chat in MMORPG game, where almost all gameplay is tied to communication with other players.

I had also other character that recieved same chat ban, with unability to communicate starting on about 12th August 2018. Two tickets were created on this matter and issue is not solved till now (22nd August).


To demonstrate how NCWest Lineage 2 producer got absolutely no control over customer support, let me show you:

Neutron (above)


i'll take a look into that, we've had some updates to the blocking/reporting feature in the last few months but of course there was no mention to us it would change the the behavior like this.



M Rhan (ticket no. 19922324)



No recent changes was made with the filtering system in-game. 



Now think a bit that our amazing automated outsourced support is not solving these tickets during weekends, if your enemy will want to chat ban you for weekend, you can enjoy it fully no matter how many dollars you sank to your shiny pixels.


Support is living their own life without any knowledge about game. They ban players for PKing others (guess gustavs would be banned within hours, kagan within minutes). They ban players for holding on someone (even if enemy). They even ban players for expressing opinions on forums, that's why I got no motivation to give any advices or information to other players.


And for @Neutron (who, apparently lost any control or QA of 3rd party customer support): read first post again, especially last sentence. Information in parenthesis is based on previous sentence from 1st post in this thread.


This is definitely my last post on these forums.


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Char Name: NightmareMode , Server: Naia

Also have this problem, i've got a gm reply from support team:

GM Maru (Lineage 2)

Aug 23, 20:56 PDT


Your chat prohibition has been lifted. Please be careful of spamming in the public chat channels to void chat prohibition in the future. Please try to widen your public sale notification 30 seconds or more in between, that way other players won't mistaken you for a spammer.

If you have other concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us again.


GM Maru
NCSOFT Support Team


So, asuming mr. GM Maru is right, some players have the RIGHT to global chat people, right? :)   by the way, my chat bug is still there

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
As Neutron stated above, because of the European General Data Protection Regulation administrators can not review tickets anymore. What you must do is contact Support from the email address you use to log into the afflicted account:
Since those people are not very familiar with the game, you best link them this post:
Unless you have insulted somebody, i.e. were officially sanctioned, they will lift your chat ban on Monday, California time :)
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  • 4 weeks later...

My character got this anomalous chat condition yesterday, 24 november 2018.  it would seem this has been going on for months that people can mass /block a character and it loses the ability to chat normally.

with so many months gone by and this being a known issue, why is it not yet fixed?

i have submitted a ticket for it to be reversed.  and i do not believe it is right to give players that kind of control over another player's ability to chat in-game.  this seems, to me, to be NCSoft's lazy way of letting players handle what they consider to be issues. and honestly, most of the time there is no issue.  it's just people being petty and vindictive. 

so NCSoft, @Neutron, can you please fix this issue and take this power away from players?

Thank you

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/7/2018 at 12:43 AM, Juji said:

This issue only happens when you right-click with your mouse on chat tabs. The dev team has it on their list of bugs to fix.

That sucks, I use that method to read messages through party/clan/trade/hero chat while macroing. :(


I think the issue here is people spamming trade shouts using macro, then they get /blocked by too many people.

This issue occurs when you receive chatban that way (the old anti-RMT you released years ago), when you type out a message it looks like it goes out in "All" chat (but in reality nothing is sent, and noone can message you).

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  • 1 month later...

As Neutron stated above, because of the European General Data Protection Regulation, forum administrators can not deal with such problems anymore. What you must do is contact Support from the email address you use to log into the afflicted account:
Since those people are not very familiar with the game, you best link them this post:
Unless you have insulted somebody, i.e. were officially sanctioned, they will lift your chat ban on Monday, California time :)

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  • 5 months later...


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