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Why do you keep playing here?


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First of all I would like to take you to a brief reflection. We all get excited about the opening of the L2 Classic Na, but it did not take long to be a huge frustration.  we will not comment on the rates that are already clearly wrong!

Why are you still playing here if .....

1- Everywhere there are bots that do everything you do, but with no real effort Example>(you work to earn your salary but your "friend" has created a way to cheat and make money without working while he is in the same job as you, he laughs of your face, you talk to your boss "GM" and he also laughs in your face because he is profiting, but you keep working as if nothing had happened)

2-Have you ever thought that the "Adena Sellers" could be owned by NCSOFT west? It would also be possible for bots and lots of players to be lies, leading you to think that the game is at the top!

3- Why are you playing this "official" server if there are no differences for pirated servers? bots, money to have 'advantages' over other players, etc etc?!


I'm sorry for the way I'm going to talk: But why do not you realize that you're being treated like a clown ??????

Many complaints, many complaints and nothing is done! almost 2 months have passed and nothing, every day they laugh at your face while the money arrives in their bank accounts!

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I stop playing activelly in this server. Im Pieri, Clan Lead from Gladiators in L2C Aden Server.

Ill not invest my dollars and time in a server who not retribute ur inversion of time or money.

Maybe some day if ncsoft west reconsider your bad decitions ill come back to play again in this server.

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1 - Just like in real life. Imagine you're car mechanic, you enjoy fixing cars, so you get a job at some shop with a normal salary and start fixing people's cars. Your friend also says (lies) that he enjoys fixing cars so he gets drunk and does some parties with a bunch of dodgy guys, the next week he's the owner of some kind of 'pimp my ride' aftermarket shop. He's "THE" hot thing in town now and he pimps cars... So, let me ask you, what normal people do in this situation? They keep going to work as if nothing happened, that's just how life works :)

2 - It has always been like that regarding adena sellers, you'd be naive if you didn't believe it. illegal servers are just straightforward about it, hey pay to us, so adena sellers don't bother. 

2.b - I doubt the online count is meddled with, ncwest only licenses the game servers from Korea. And the Korean NC is apparently some kind of public shareholder owned company, so they must use classic metrics like online count and the likes across all regions, not just NA, to determine success. It would be too risky to mess with that, you'd be breaking some contract clause I guess.

3 - There are big differences!!! Most important: there will be no wipes! Hooray! I'd expect a illegal server to go down after 6-12 months, no matter how popular. This one here will stay. illegal servers have always been P2W, again you'd be naive if you didn't see that. Just look for the 'danate' button on their websites.

4 - ...?

We're being treating here just like in real life. I wanted to leave, now I'm back, same as in RL. :) The bank also laughs in your face when you're late paying for that credit. Your boss also laughs in your face while the money arrives in his bank accounts and he pays you back only pennies :) The beauty of life, all hail capitalism :))


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Im actually having a great time playing here! Its gotten a bit slower in the higher levels, but thats only because i need better equipment. I dont play enough to burn myself out or get too frustrated. Think thats the key in Lineage 2. This game has always rewarded perserverance. Im glad i found a good group of people to play with as well.


Im sad to see people are not liking the game so far. Hope you guys take a step back and just try to have fun. Cheers!

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I still play here because I didn't hit the wall yet.

- I didn't use any of my 74 xp boost scrolls.
- I make like 30k Adena in one evening because I have to farm on exotic spors where barely any bots are
- I still hang on lvl 30 trying to make progress next to bots.

I reduced $ spending to a minimum (buying shots if I forgott to shop in town)
ANd I will robably reduce my play time to a minimum after I achieved my D grade goals...

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5 hours ago, Lmaodude said:

First of all I would like to take you to a brief reflection. We all get excited about the opening of the L2 Classic Na, but it did not take long to be a huge frustration.


If you started playing on NC West servers without expecting that this is what will happen, it's your own fault.

If you were expecting it but still were excited to play, why stopping now?

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2 minutes ago, Krissa said:


If you started playing on NC West servers without expecting that this is what will happen, it's your own fault.

If you were expecting it but still were excited to play, why stopping now?

I was expecting x1 rates. :/
That's all.... maybe also a bit less bots...

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if the staff continues with the same position will lose all the players of all the servers, it is a pity that happens but I do not know what else we have to say the players on the subject of the adena, the adena is not in line with the level of the zones and of the mobs, if everybody is telling you and you are informed that the adena does not work as it should be for something not?

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40 minutes ago, Cally said:

I was expecting x1 rates. :/
That's all.... maybe also a bit less bots...

"Rates" are a concept from stolen illegal servers. They don't apply to the servers where the developers actually try to make a working ingame economy and adjust it while it progresses. And working ingame economy means that the time players spend on research, resource farming and playing the market is worth something.

Highly visible botting in a non-instanced game with working economy is inevitable if it's a F2P game managed by a skeleton crew.

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2 hours ago, Krissa said:

"Rates" are a concept from stolen illegal servers. They don't apply to the servers where the developers actually try to make a working ingame economy and adjust it while it progresses. And working ingame economy means that the time players spend on research, resource farming and playing the market is worth something.

Highly visible botting in a non-instanced game with working economy is inevitable if it's a F2P game managed by a skeleton crew.

Don't strawman him. He means he wanted rates on par with other classic versions. VIP4 should give equivalent adena/drops at least. It's crazy low and if you ever want to afford c+shots and not aoe you will lose adena. 

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8 hours ago, Lmaodude said:

First of all I would like to take you to a brief reflection. We all get excited about the opening of the L2 Classic Na, but it did not take long to be a huge frustration.  we will not comment on the rates that are already clearly wrong!

Why are you still playing here if .....

1- Everywhere there are bots that do everything you do, but with no real effort Example>(you work to earn your salary but your "friend" has created a way to cheat and make money without working while he is in the same job as you, he laughs of your face, you talk to your boss "GM" and he also laughs in your face because he is profiting, but you keep working as if nothing had happened)

2-Have you ever thought that the "Adena Sellers" could be owned by NCSOFT west? It would also be possible for bots and lots of players to be lies, leading you to think that the game is at the top!

3- Why are you playing this "official" server if there are no differences for pirated servers? bots, money to have 'advantages' over other players, etc etc?!


I'm sorry for the way I'm going to talk: But why do not you realize that you're being treated like a clown ??????

Many complaints, many complaints and nothing is done! almost 2 months have passed and nothing, every day they laugh at your face while the money arrives in their bank accounts!

Why don't just leave if you dislike the server and that's all instead of complain?, would be nice if you go away in silence.

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1st: Personally I'm still playing cause, despite all the problems, the game is quite enjoyable if you have a good group and you know how to use market at your advantage.

2nd: Yeah, it is true that some servers offer a better service, but they are not "official" they can be closed/wiped at any time and you will lose everything.

3rd: In my opinion bots are not a real problem, you can easly kill them and take the spot or stun them under mobs until they die or you can find some sneaky trick to kill them >:(. The problem is if ppl will use some kind of program to automatize the pvp or if the L2Store become some p2w shop like Naia/Chronos.

4th: I like to suffer!!

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1 hour ago, InLegends said:

Don't strawman him. He means he wanted rates on par with other classic versions. VIP4 should give equivalent adena/drops at least. It's crazy low and if you ever want to afford c+shots and not aoe you will lose adena. 

You are doing the same mistake that he did: thinking that an MMO economy should (and can) cater to your personal preferences.

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4 hours ago, Krissa said:

"Rates" are a concept from stolen illegal servers. They don't apply to the servers where the developers actually try to make a working ingame economy and adjust it while it progresses. And working ingame economy means that the time players spend on research, resource farming and playing the market is worth something.

Wait, what?

Innova/4game's Skelth is an illegal server?

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