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Known Issue: Server Latency


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Solution was simple

1) Delete or make ranking system update once a day/hour/month ---> no lag, top clan complains about they cannot shout they are better than anyone else in ranking--->not good for NCSoft


2) Delete autotarget system---> lag still there, but top clans are happy cause they can still use bots and other ppl cannot farm anymore with boxes--->that's NCSoft Solution!

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look you can't put real time type of transactional data updates to a database on a server that's not properly configured for such

ranking & manner system are clear examples of RealTime OLPT data transfers and require proper server hardware and/or configuration

turn that stuff completely off and watch the performance issue resolve itself..

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  • L2 Team

Auto hunting will be enabled again after the maintenance tomorrow since disabling it did not alleviate the latency issue. We will be making changes to our hardware this week to reduce the CPU usage as much as possible.

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8 minutes ago, Juji said:

Auto hunting will be enabled again after the maintenance tomorrow since disabling it did not alleviate the latency issue. We will be making changes to our hardware this week to reduce the CPU usage as much as possible.

I already said to take a look at latency with the npc server and npc server performance.

Mobs taking too long to disappear after dead, too long to respawn and even too long to have their hp reduced after taking hit. And that's while every other action is not lagging like clicking to move and chatting.


Btw, I believe and hope the auto target is client side. I did notice it is not as simply implemented as the targetnext action as it does not target over walls and mobs too high, but should not be server side. Please tell me im right.

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8 minutes ago, Daikon said:

Ranking system requests are cached. More than once I've lvled up and refreshing the ranking did not show me the new level even after closing and opening client.


Ranking is applied in real-time, but some time is required to refresh the info within the Ranking UI.

Right there in the patch notes.

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2 minutes ago, Dawe said:

Right there in the patch notes.

that got changed along the way in their attempts to fix the delay issue but it still updates way more often then is needed aka should be just once a day for calculating the ranks prior to rewarding those top rank bufs/passives

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51 minutes ago, Juji said:

Auto hunting will be enabled again after the maintenance tomorrow since disabling it did not alleviate the latency issue. We will be making changes to our hardware this week to reduce the CPU usage as much as possible.

Try disable for one week the Ranking.

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1 hour ago, Juji said:

Auto hunting will be enabled again after the maintenance tomorrow since disabling it did not alleviate the latency issue. We will be making changes to our hardware this week to reduce the CPU usage as much as possible.

uuh... that smells like a >8h maintenance... but if it fixes things :)

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1 hour ago, Juji said:

Auto hunting will be enabled again after the maintenance tomorrow since disabling it did not alleviate the latency issue. We will be making changes to our hardware this week to reduce the CPU usage as much as possible.

@Jujihttp://prntscr.com/ova8u3  well can we do with the Divine Elixirs  Can Nsoft to insert on Town shops Phoenix blood Or If can they change This item from recipe?

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2 hours ago, Juji said:

Auto hunting will be enabled again after the maintenance tomorrow since disabling it did not alleviate the latency issue. We will be making changes to our hardware this week to reduce the CPU usage as much as possible.

O friends, will upgrade to windows XP and implement an improvement to the computer 133 turning into a k6
while the adena drops / items have been removed and finished and the akamanah / zarich idiots make 10 ~ 20B per day!
Great decisions are being made.
keep it up and thank you for support for helping with my directX now I don't have lag.

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1 minute ago, Roser said:

i agree also with this .... they must do something also with cursed weapons is extremely bad system this now :(

demon weapon system is mainly for pvp clans and not for lowly geared neutrals - ofc when a server is 1 sided then it gets boring fast but at least that's the idea behind it

also L2 is an open pvp world type of game so when leaving save zone you can die durr.. always been like that and just means do instances during that time of the day or be ready to run back from town a few times

this is what we call "working as intended" ;)

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Let's be honest, is having a ranking system that only shows who bots the most worth having everyone lag to impossible levels?

EDIT: Back in Awakening, there was kind ofa ladder system where you had interesting stats like most damage done, most damage done in one hit, all split up by class etc, that was actually a fun system im not sure why it was removed, but this ranking system is just a burden on servers and not really interesting information. We dont care that allaroundme spends 1000$ a day for xp buffs

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Ranking system is "future" reward some ppl with some nice buff and no need to bot to be in top 10 list i see many ppl i know they work with party activities or even solo macro farm but of course is something that can do geared toons not anyone. 

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3 hours ago, TriHard said:

Let's be honest, is having a ranking system that only shows who bots the most worth having everyone lag to impossible levels?

EDIT: Back in Awakening, there was kind ofa ladder system where you had interesting stats like most damage done, most damage done in one hit, all split up by class etc, that was actually a fun system im not sure why it was removed, but this ranking system is just a burden on servers and not really interesting information. We dont care that allaroundme spends 1000$ a day for xp buffs

That ranking was removed due to bots also. I can tell you the romanian guy is still not banned and his bots from this list are still ingame. This screenshot is from 2013 xD 


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20 hours ago, Juji said:

Auto hunting will be enabled again after the maintenance tomorrow since disabling it did not alleviate the latency issue. We will be making changes to our hardware this week to reduce the CPU usage as much as possible.

What type of server CPU is that?

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